Schüssler Salt No. 16: Lithium chloratum


According to the alternative medicine doctrine according to Schüssler, a lack of a specific mineral can cause certain diseases. In the case of lithium chloratum, a deficiency should manifest itself particularly in the areas of the urinary tract, joints, skin, psyche and nervous system. Accordingly, the administration of this salt can provide relief from diseases in these areas.

Fields of application

As concrete application areas illnesses are to be called such as cystitis, gout or rheumatism. With gout for instance it is to help to be able to eliminate or diminish the uric acid, which is with this illness increased in the blood, better. Thus Lithium chloratum is attributed a causal elimination of this illness.

Since this Schüssler salt is also supposed to influence the skin and mucous membrane via protein metabolism, Lithium chloratum can also be used for gastrointestinal complaints. If there is an irritation of these mucous membranes – e.g. in case of gastritis or irritable bowel syndrome – the application of this Schuessler salt should have a good effect. Dr. Schüssler’s theory assumes that certain behavioral patterns and compulsive character traits result in an increased consumption of certain salts.

A deficiency of a certain salt can thus indicate certain psychological or character difficulties for an experienced therapist. According to this principle, people affected by a lack of lithium chloratum show a clear love of order and correctness. These are supposed to be people who work particularly hard and beyond their physical limits.

The continuous overwork often causes fear and melancholy in these people. Whether this salt is the right remedy, however, must always be decided in connection with other physical symptoms and external characteristics, since in the teachings of Dr. Schüssler the human being must always be viewed holistically. Therefore, the person concerned has to be checked for corresponding physical symptoms in case of the described psychological symptoms, which theoretically could be caused by a deficiency of this Schüssler salt.

The basic substance for Lithium chloratum is Lithium, which is also used in orthodox medicine for the medicinal therapy of the so-called “bipolar disorder”. These are alternately occurring manias and depressions. The affected persons often change from one phase to the other after weeks or even months.

Lithium chloratum, an alternative medicine, is said to be able to help here. In depressive episodes, it is said to replenish the body’s own stores of this salt, while in manic episodes it is said to prevent a developing deficiency. However, the teachings of Dr. Schüssler also emphasize that the administration of salt alone is not a sufficient causal treatment of the deficiency. It only helps to alleviate the symptoms, while the affected person has to work on the behavioral patterns that drain the body’s own reserves. It should also be noted that a therapy prescribed by a doctor must never be discontinued or replaced by another medication without prior consent.