Schüssler Salt No. 18 Calcium sulfuratum hahnemannii

Application in case of illness

Schüssler Salt No. 18 is Calcium sulfuratum hahnemannii and is used mainly in detoxification. This includes all ailments that are caused in any way by toxin contamination.

For example diarrhea or gastrointestinal infection, immunodeficiency, circulatory disorders or acute and delayed respiratory tract infections are worth mentioning. However, treatment with Calcium sulfuratum can also help with unspecific psychological and neurological symptoms such as depressive disgruntlement, migraine or mild irritability of the nerves or nerve pain. Furthermore, chronic skin problems such as poorly healing wounds, rashes and recurring abscesses can benefit from treatment with Calcium sulfuratum. This salt can also be used to support medical treatment in the case of tonsillitis. Especially in the case of a purulent inflammation, treatment with this salt can be effective.

Application for symptoms

Whether a person needs the application of Schüssler salts is recognized by certain external and personal characteristics. With the help of the face analysis in such a way specified the external characteristics are observed particularly in face and recognized occasionally compulsive behaviors. These behaviors are often caused by a higher consumption of certain trace elements.

For Schüssler Salt No. 18 such features are mainly hanging eyelids or sagging at the eye angles. A yellowish facial color or yellowish discoloration of the eyes (sclerae) may also indicate that calcium sulfuratum is needed, since this is usually caused by a certain additional load on the liver. The liver is then no longer able to promptly break down the yellow appearing bilirubin, a waste product from the red blood cells, which causes it to be deposited in the body tissues and visibly turns the skin yellowish. In infants, the increased occurrence of milk crust is also counted among the characteristics of face analysis.


A common traditional use of Calcium sulfuratum is detoxification. The detoxification of mercury should be especially emphasized, because from an alternative medical point of view Calcium sulfuratum is the antidote to mercury. It is also known to be used to detoxify amalgam, which is contained in many dental fillings.

Responsible for the detoxifying properties of this salt is the contained sulfur. This is traditionally used in alternative medicine as a detoxifying and draining agent. The calcium, which is also contained, strengthens these properties, which makes this salt especially suitable for detoxification. It also favors the elimination of many other toxins, which are not necessarily heavy metals. Who suspects a load with such toxins, a treatment with Calcium sulfuratum can consider.