Schüssler Salt No. 19: Cuprum arsenicosum

Application in case of illness

The 19th Schüssler salt, Cuprum arsenicosum, on the one hand has an effect on blood formation and is therefore often used in the treatment of anemia – in particular anemia caused by copper deficiency (in contrast to iron deficiency anemia, for example – although taking Cuprum arsenicosum can also help in cases of disturbed copper metabolism). In addition, anaemia can also lead to immunodeficiency and thus susceptibility to infection. On the other hand, it has an effect on muscle and nerve tissue and can thus be used to prevent cramps of all kinds: For example, muscle cramps caused by physical exertion or menstrual cramps caused by uterine cramps can be relieved or even prevented. Another area of application is the excessive secretion of various organs of the patient. This can result in slimy diarrhea, coughing with increased sputum or excessive cold or unpleasantly sticky sweating.

For which symptoms do I use Cuprum arsenicosum?

With the Schüssler salts, a person who needs a salt can be recognized by certain external and personal characteristics. According to the teachings of Dr. Schüssler, this is due to the fact that certain character traits lead to an increased consumption of certain salts. However, when it comes to external characteristics, the so-called face analysis makes up the majority of this so-called drug picture.

Face analysis means that the features can be found in the face. In Cuprum arsenicosum, such features include, for example, the color of the face, which can typically be yellowish or pale blue, and a coating on the tongue, which is slimy. A person with Cuprum arsenicosum deficiency also tends to produce more saliva and therefore swallow more often.

Personality traits associated with increased consumption of Cuprum arsenicosum and thus indicating such a deficiency are restlessness, agitation and anxiety. Patients are also jumpy and have an increased appetite for carbohydrate-rich foods such as bread and pasta. Restless legs syndrome is also typical for this group of patients.