Schüssler Salt No. 20

Fields of application

Potassium aluminium sulfuricum – also known as alum – is known for its hemostatic and wound healing properties. For smaller but still heavily bleeding wounds, the external application of this Schüssler salt is therefore ideally suited. In addition, it is often used to treat forgetfulness, lack of concentration or even dementia and is therefore also suitable for people who do a lot of mental “brain work” in their everyday life.

Potassium aluminium sulfuricum also constricts certain muscle cells, which are mainly found on the organs. Therefore, it can also help against incontinence, bladder weakness or bed-wetting as well as constipation. A further field of disease of this salt is the stopping of excessive secretion production. This includes, for example, excessive salivation, bleeding between periods outside of menstruation and sweating. If the sweating occurs mainly at night and is so severe that one has to change clothes or even bed linen, this should be clarified by a doctor in any case.

When do I need the Schüssler Salt No. 20?

With the Schüssler salts one recognizes that a person needs a salt, similar to homeopathy, by the fact that he has certain external characteristics. However, when it comes to external characteristics, the so-called face analysis makes up the majority of the observation. This means that the features can be found in the face.

With potassium aluminum sulfuricum such characteristics are for example a dry to scaly skin, which tends to tears. Frequently, encrusted wounds, especially in the nose and chin area, are also noticed in corresponding patients. A deficiency of this salt is often found in people who do a lot of mental work, as well as older people who suffer from a certain forgetfulness.

Taking this salt can also help with lack of concentration and general indecision. and Schüssler Salt No. 6

Where does the salt work?

Potassium aluminium sulfuricum probably develops its best-known effect in relation to the brain, since it can work against forgetfulness and even dementia. It also has an effect on the skin and mucous membranes, as well as on the smooth muscle cells. We cannot consciously control these types of muscle cells and they are mainly found on our blood vessels and internal organs.

On these tissues, the salt causes the muscles to contract. Potassium aluminium sulfuricum also has an effect on the sweat glands. Here, especially the aluminium contained reduces excessive perspiration and thus alleviates the complaints.