Seasons | The right skin care for men


The skin is a very sensitive organ that must withstand many things. Even the weather is one of them. Depending on the season, the skin can be weakened and must be treated differently in hot summer or cold winter.

Between 10 and 15 o’clock the dangerous radiation of the sun is strongest. In order to protect yourself, it is important to apply a sun cream with a sun protection factor of 20 or higher. If you are now afraid of getting brown, you do not need to worry.

Sunscreen does not stop the tanning process but actually makes sure that the tan lasts longer. But you can protect not only the skin but also the lips. The easiest way to do this is to use a lip balm, which gives them moisture back and often even contains UV protection.

Furthermore, you should make sure that you wear clothes under which the skin can breathe. Especially in the armpit or intimate areas, clothes often fit tighter than they should, so that germs spread quickly and itchy spots and redness develop. Skin irritation can also occur on the feet due to increased sweat production, so special care should be taken to change socks regularly.

By wearing sufficiently long clothing, the skin is also more protected against UV radiation. There are even clothes with integrated UV protection. Although this is not necessary, covering the shoulders and wearing a hat or cap protects skin areas that are otherwise exposed to constant sunlight.

In summer, the pores also clog up particularly quickly due to the increased production of sweat and sebum. Therefore, care products should be used that are as low-fat and non-oil-based as possible. Particularly in summer, when the skin dries out quickly in the blazing sun, one should make sure that the skin is sufficiently hydrated.

It is best to drink water, as this is more refreshing for the body than soft drinks.But also directly on the skin after a longer stay in the sun, you can cool and soothe it with an aftersun spray, so that it can regenerate quickly and does not dry out too much. In winter, the skin’s protective barrier is lowered so that the skin becomes brittle and cracked, which is an entry point for germs. The body has to take more and more action against them, as they could not be stopped by the poor skin protection.

Therefore, proper care in winter is of great importance. Especially for the winter there are cold protection creams which isolate the skin in the freezing cold and counteract dehydration. Often they also have a sun protection factor, which can be very useful for winter sports.

However, when you are back in the warmth, you should remove the cream as soon as possible, otherwise the insulating effect will cause a heat build-up. But not only the skin, but also the lips should be especially cared for in winter. If you want to buy a lip balm, you should make sure that it does not contain wax or kerosene, because if you apply it several times, the lips will be damaged.

Furthermore, vitamins A and E as well as oils such as jojoba oil or olive oil are beneficial for the healing process. If you prefer to use household remedies, you can also lubricate your lips with honey and wash them off again with water after a few minutes. It is important that the honey is not licked off with the tongue, because saliva also dries out the lips.

Also heaters, which also run at high speed in winter, are not good for the skin in the long run. In addition to the cold weather, they further dry out the skin. When heating, you should try not to heat all the time and put on a warmer sweater to avoid freezing. This is also good for your wallet, because the heating costs are reduced.