Second phase of angina tonsillaris | Homeopathy for angina tonsillaris

Second phase of angina tonsillaris

In the second phase of the inflammation, when white spots are visible on the almonds as a sign of the onset of suppuration, one chooses:

  • Mercurius sulobilis

Mercurius sulobilis

Prescription only up to and including D3! In case of angina, Mercurius sulobilis can be used in the following dosage: Tablets D12 (not deeper!)

  • The pharyngeal tonsils are dark to bluish red, swollen and show purulent spots and coatings
  • The tongue has a whitish coating, swollen with indentations on the lateral edges
  • Rotten halitosis, abundant viscous mucus with strong thirst
  • The regional lymph nodes are painfully thickened heat and drinking aggravates the pain in the throat
  • Welding that does not make it easier. Fever, pain and restlessness are worse at night