Seizure in the baby


A seizure in a baby is a sudden involuntary condition that can cause muscle twitches, neurological deficits and loss of consciousness. This is caused by a dysfunction of the nerve cells in the brain, which give off wrong signals and impulses. A seizure can be limited to one area of the body (focal) or spread further and affect the entire body (generalized). One only speaks of a seizure disorder, a so-called epilepsy, if more than 2 events have occurred without a recognizable cause.


The causes for the occurrence of a seizure in a baby are very diverse. They are the result of abnormal, uncontrolled discharges of nerve cells in the brain. Besides a hereditary predisposition, this sudden disturbance of brain activity can be caused by various types of brain damage caused by accidents, a prolonged lack of oxygen, inflammatory changes resulting from meningitis, medication, other toxic substances or even congenital malformations.

Malignant tumors that trigger a seizure rarely occur in babies. A sudden rise in fever, flickering lights, sleep deprivation or even poisoning have a reinforcing influence. Sturge Weber syndrome can also be a cause of seizures and epilepsies in small children.

This is a malformation of the nervous system and skin. Spastic cerebral palsy also causes seizures in premature babies. This is a damage of the brain.

Seizure after vaccination

After a vaccination, babies are confronted with the usual side effects such as fever, fatigue, weakness in drinking and a possible slight flu-like infection. Nevertheless, a seizure can develop if the fever rises too quickly. This form of seizure is the so-called febrile seizure, which occurs frequently in babies between the 6th month of life and the 7th year of age and is usually uncomplicated.

Seizure by screaming

A seizure in a baby can sometimes be triggered by crying. This is a so-called affect cramp. They usually occur in the first or second year of life and are triggered by anxiety or strong excitement. If the baby cries heavily and simply cannot be calmed down, the face turns blue and the baby’s lips turn pale because the baby is not getting enough air with oxygen. Due to the acute lack of oxygen, the babies are unresponsive for a short moment and sometimes at the end of the event there is a twitching of the extremities that appears like a seizure.