Senega Root


Senega root is available as an open product in pharmacies and drugstores. Root extracts are commercially available in the form of bronchial pastilles, tea mixtures, as cough syrup and cough drops, among others.

Stem plant

The parent plant is from the Polygalaceae family and is native to the forests of North America and Canada.

Medicinal drug

Senega root (rattlesnake root, polygalae radix) is used as a medicinal drug. It consists of the dried and usually crushed root and root head of L., of certain other closely related species, or of a mixture of different species of the genus . Among other things, extracts and senega syrup are prepared from the roots. Senega root is an ingredient of chest tea (Species pectorales).


Typical constituents include triterpene saponins and oligo- and monosaccharides.


Secretory dissolving and expectorant properties are attributed to senega root.

Indications for use

For the treatment of respiratory diseases with viscous phlegm, acute bronchitis and productive cough.


The root is prepared as a decoction and the tea is drunk two to three times a day.


Senega root is contraindicated in hypersensitivity, gastritis, and gastric or intestinal ulcers. For complete precautions, see the drug label.

Adverse Effects

Prolonged use may possibly cause irritation of the digestive tract.