
The vernacular speaks of blood poisoning – but sepsis is not poisoning in the true sense. It always starts with a local infection, usually with bacteria. From this focus of the disease – for example, from a wound on the leg, an inflamed tooth root or pneumonia – the pathogens and their toxins spread through the bloodstream to the entire body. The organism reacts with an inflammation that gradually affects all organs. The course of sepsis is usually acute, but it can also be chronic.

Sepsis as a reaction to infection

The human organism has a whole arsenal of strategies to face dangerous situations. Sometimes, however, the damaging effects are so great that the defensive measures not only fail, but turn into the opposite and are directed against the body itself. According to the official definition, sepsis is a reaction of the body to an infection that causes damage to its own tissues. Even today, sepsis, colloquially known as blood poisoning, is fatal in many cases. The initial trigger of sepsis can be any type of infection, for example:

  • A small injury to the finger
  • An insect bite on the arm
  • An infected tooth
  • A fungal infection
  • A pneumonia (pneumonia)
  • An infected wound after surgery
  • A meningitis (inflammation of the brain)
  • An appendicitis

Blood poisoning: causes of sepsis

Most often, the body manages to confine an infection to its site of origin. This is done by the inflammatory response, a complex interaction of various reactions of vessels and tissues, release of endogenous substances and immigration of certain cells. This leads to the classic signs of inflammation such as redness, hyperthermia, swelling and pain. However, if the body is weakened, for example as a result of another disease, or if the pathogens are particularly aggressive, the infection and thus the inflammatory reaction can spread to the entire organism. One after the other, the organs are affected in a rapid progression and are therefore no longer supplied with sufficient oxygen. The more vital functions fail, the harder it is for the body to stop the disease. As in a chain reaction, the circulatory system, kidneys, lungs, liver and the other body organs can thus fail within a few hours (“septic shock“), leading to death.

How common is sepsis?

Sepsis is more common than breast cancer, AIDS, or colon cancer. It is estimated that about one-third to one-half of those affected die as a result, comparable, then, to the mortality rate for acute myocardial infarction. In surgical intensive care units, sepsis is the most common cause of death.

Signs of sepsis: how to recognize the symptoms

Signs of inflammation appear at the site of infection-if visible externally:

  • Redness
  • Overheating
  • Swelling
  • Pain

Blood poisoning itself is not easy to recognize, especially in the beginning, because the signs of the disease are not very specific, so can also occur in other diseases. These include:

  • High fever or fever episodes with chills.
  • Confusion
  • Acceleration of breathing and heartbeat
  • Drop in blood pressure
  • Decreased excretion of urine

Red line as a symptom of sepsis?

It is often thought that a red, painful welt progressing from a wound toward the heart is an unmistakable sign of sepsis. However, this is a misconception. Rather, such a red line indicates local inflammation of the lymphatic vessels (lymphangitis). In this case, bacteria migrate from a wound under the skin in the direction of the lymph nodes. From there, however, the inflammation can spread to the entire body and thus, in rare cases, actually develop into sepsis. Anyone who notices a red streak on the skin should therefore see a doctor in any case. 5 Facts about blood poisoning – Qimono

Blood poisoning: diagnosis and diagnosis

The blood shows signs of inflammation and a drop in red blood cells and clotting disorders. The diagnosis is confirmed by detection of pathogens in blood culture. Ultrasound usually shows enlargement of the liver and spleen.Researchers are currently trying to identify genes whose activity can be used for diagnosis or prognosis. However, it will certainly be some time before they are ready for practical application.

Blood poisoning: treatment of sepsis

Because the affected person is seriously ill, treatment of sepsis takes place in the intensive care unit. As with a heart attack or stroke, the earlier treatment begins, the better the patient’s chances of recovery. The focus is on therapy with antibiotics. A blood sample can be used to determine the pathogen in order to select the appropriate antibiotic. Often, a broad-spectrum antibiotic is also used. Depending on the stage of the disease, the source of infection should – if possible – be eliminated, for example by surgically removing the gallbladder or by flushing the inflamed area. In addition, treatment is used to try to improve the shock situation and stop or reverse the organ failure. These include:

  • Infusion therapy to stabilize the circulation.
  • The administration of painkillers and sedatives
  • Blood pressure-increasing drugs in the event of septic shock.
  • Artificial respiration
  • Renal replacement procedures (dialysis)
  • Artificial nutrition
  • Replacement of the body’s own cells (for example, red blood cells) and substances such as insulin and cortisone.
  • Artificial coma

Recently, there has been the development of specific drugs to boost the patient’s immune response, which have reduced mortality rates in various studies.

How can sepsis be prevented?

Sepsis cannot be prevented with complete certainty. There is no vaccination, such as for protection against tetanus (lockjaw). However, measures suitable for strengthening the immune system can help, for example sufficient exercise in the fresh air, sufficient sleep and a healthy, balanced diet. Infections should also be treated quickly and comprehensively to prevent the development of sepsis.