Sequence of the U4 | U4 Examination

Sequence of the U4

Preventive medical check-ups at baby and toddler age should be taken in order to detect diseases in time. Participation is not obligatory, however, pediatricians must report missed appointments to the Jugendamt after several reminders from parents. This is done to protect the children from abuse. In some federal states participation must also be proven if the children are to be registered at a day care center or school.

What happens if I take my child to the U4?

Since the examinations take some time, an appointment with the pediatrician should be arranged beforehand. First, the parents should report how the baby has developed since the last examination. This is followed by a physical examination and various functional tests to assess the baby’s physical and mental development. The check-ups are also always an opportunity for the parents to ask questions. The results of the examinations are recorded in the yellow health booklet and in case of abnormalities a referral to a specialist or physiotherapy is recommended.

Who bears the costs of U4?

The U4 preventive examination is part of the spectrum of all health insurance companies. In order for the costs of the U4 to be covered by the health insurance company, however, it is imperative that it is performed within the specified time frame. Also the vaccinations, which can take place for this preventive examination, are paid by all health insurance companies and are independent of the exact time frame of the examination. This also applies to most other preventive medical checkups in childhood with the exception of the U7a, U10, U11 and J2, which are only partially covered.

How long does the U4 last?

Normally, a preventive examination takes between 15 and 20 minutes. However, this time is very variable and depends on the child. If there are any abnormalities, additional examinations may be necessary. In addition, the time frame also depends strongly on the advice of the parents, who have very different questions about the development and care of their baby.