Shepherd’s Purse: Applications and Uses

Shepherd’s purse herb has hemostatic effect and is therefore used internally for symptomatic treatment of slightly prolonged menstruation (menorrhagia), excessive menstrual bleeding or uterine bleeding outside the normal menstrual cycle (metrorhagia).

The herb is also popular for bleeding from other organs such as the gastrointestinal tract, respiratory tract, or urinary system, as well as nosebleeds. Used externally, shepherd’s purse herb can also be used to stop bleeding from superficial skin lesions.

Folk medicine application of shepherd’s purse.

From the point of view of traditional medicine, shepherd’s purse contributes to the improvement of general well-being. Shepherd’s purse has been used since ancient times, the seeds were found during archaeological excavations. In ancient times, shepherd’s purse was used to flush the uterus and for “women’s bleeding”. In modern folk medicine, the drug is used as a hemostatic agent for nosebleeds and as a treatment for menstrual pain (dysmenorrhea).

Shepherd’s purse in homeopathy.

Homeopathically, the fresh above-ground parts of shepherd’s purse are used for uterine bleeding, mucosal bleeding, and stone disease.

Ingredients of shepherd’s purse

Shepherd’s purse contains flavonoids, biogenic amines such as tyramine and acetylcholine, and phenylcarboxylic acids.

Shepherd’s purse: what indication?

The following indications can be treated with shepherd’s purse:

  • Abnormalities of menstruation
  • Prolonged menstruation
  • Increased menstruation
  • Acyclic bleeding
  • Bleeding
  • Nosebleeds
  • Bleeding skin lesions