Shifting periods with the pill

The period

For many women, the period represents a certain burden in their everyday life. Activities need to be planned accordingly and often women feel somewhat restricted by their periods, whether it be sports, work or other commitments. Therefore, there is often a desire to postpone the period.

What is the best way to do this?

The pill is the most popular hormonal contraceptive and most women take it for years. The good tolerance and regular cycles thanks to the Pill, many women find it a great relief in their everyday life. The Pill can help to maintain a good rhythm, especially if the cycle is otherwise irregular.

Due to travel, commitments, sports or work, many women would like to postpone their periods from time to time. The Pill can be used to postpone your period. If you want to postpone your period using the pill, take the pill continuously and do not take the seven-day pill break at the end of the blister.

In this way you will not have any bleeding this month and you will start with the next blister. In the following month, however, you can expect to have a period bleeding again during the pill break. If you want to postpone your period again, do not take a break and take the pill continuously.

At the end of the next blister you take your pill break as usual and get your period on the same days as usual. If you do not want to postpone your period completely, but only change the day of the week on which your period occurs, you have the option of shortening the pill break. Instead of taking the pill break for 7 days, you can also shorten the break to 3 days.

This way you can postpone the day of your first bleeding. In the following month you can take a 7-day pill break as usual. However, you should never take the pill for longer than 7 days, because then there is no contraception protection.

At best, however, you should consult your gynaecologist before changing the days of your period or even postponing your period completely, as the procedure can vary with different hormone preparations. In order to avoid errors in taking them, it is therefore advisable to seek individual advice. This is especially true for the complete postponement of your period.