Short Stature: Lab Test

2nd order laboratory parameters – depending on the results of the medical history, physical examination, etc. – for differential diagnostic clarification

  • FSH, LH
  • Somatotropic hormone* (STH) (synonyms: somatotropin; English somatotropic hormone; HGH or hGH (human growth hormone), GH (growth hormone), growth hormone).
  • Serum IGF-I (insulin-like growth factor-I; somatomedin)* .
  • IGFBP 3 (insulin-like growth factor binding protein-3)*
  • Thyroid parameters – TSH, fT3, fT4 [hypothyroidism: TSH ↑; fT4 ↓]
  • Dexamethasone short test/dexamethasone inhibition test (search/exclusion diagnostic) [Cushing’s syndrome: absent suppression or inadequate; if no clear result, dexamethasone long test should be performed]Dexamethasone long test/dexamethasone high dose inhibition test (confirmatory test).
  • Cortisol daily profile – if Cushing’s disease is suspected [hypercortisolism: cortisol ↑; abolished diurnal rhythm of the cortisol daily profile].
  • Chromosomal analysis (karyotype determination) – if Turner syndrome is suspected.

* Determination only if the growth rate is abnormal and you have no other explanation.