Shortness of Breath (Dyspnea): Therapy

Therapy for dyspnea (shortness of breath) depends on the cause.

General measures

  • Adjustment of the daily rhythm with a good balance between activities and rest periods.
  • Motivation to exercise more
  • Optimization of energy consumption during activities (eg, walking, climbing stairs).
  • Open windows, cool the room
  • Relieve respiratory distress with handheld, tabletop and floor fans. These create a draft that, directed to the nasal and facial areas, helps relieve shortness of breath.
  • The use of walking aids (cane, walker) also leads to relief of shortness of breath.
  • Nicotine restriction (refrain from tobacco use).
  • Aim for normal weight!Determination of BMI (body mass index, body mass index) or body composition by means of electrical impedance analysis and, if necessary, participation in a medically supervised weight loss program.


The following vaccinations are advised, as infection can often lead to worsening of the presenting symptoms:

  • Flu vaccination
  • Pneumococcal vaccination

Nutritional medicine

  • Nutritional counseling based on nutritional analysis
  • Nutritional recommendations according to a mixed diet taking into account the disease at hand. This means, among other things:
    • Daily total of 5 servings of fresh vegetables and fruits (≥ 400 g; 3 servings of vegetables and 2 servings of fruits).
    • Once or twice a week fresh sea fish, i.e. fatty marine fish (omega-3 fatty acids) such as salmon, herring, mackerel.
    • High-fiber diet (whole grains, vegetables).
  • Observance of the following special dietary recommendations:
    • Diet rich in:
  • Other specific dietary recommendations depending on the cause of dyspnea (shortness of breath).
  • Selection of appropriate foods based on the nutritional analysis.
  • See also under “Therapy with micronutrients (vital substances)” – if necessary, taking a suitable dietary supplement.
  • Detailed information on nutritional medicine you will receive from us.

Sports Medicine

  • Light endurance training (cardio training).
  • Preparation of a fitness or training plan with appropriate sports disciplines based on a medical check (health check or athlete check) depending on the cause of dyspnea (shortness of breath).
  • For detailed information on sports medicine, please contact us.

Physical therapy (including physiotherapy)

  • Respiratory training
  • Neuromuscular electrical stimulation (NMES) of leg muscles – appears to offer significant respiratory relief to patients with COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease)
