Should I wear the bandage also at night? | Bandage for tennis elbow

Should I wear the bandage also at night?

As already described for the resting phases, wearing the bandage or brace during sleep is not recommended. During sleep the body is actively engaged in regeneration and heals injuries and inflammations. In addition, there is no strain on the forearm muscles during sleep, so that better blood supply and decompression by omitting the brace/bandage are beneficial.

How do I put them on correctly?

For the so-called tennis elbow and the golfer elbow, a bandage is often used to relieve the discomfort and promote blood circulation and healing. After application, the bandage encloses part of both the upper and lower arm. In addition, the elbow support has either one or two specially shaped pads, which can be made of silicone, among other materials.

The aid is available in different sizes, depending on the thickness of the forearm. Only a suitable size enables a good fit, which guarantees an optimal position of the pressure pads. As a rule, the tennis elbow bandages can be worn on both sides, i.e. both left and right.

The pressure pads, also known as pads, must be positioned so that they lie on the tendon insertions and muscles that cause the complaints. Since the pain is also at exactly these points, the pressure pads can be positioned with quite good accuracy. Otherwise, the rule of thumb can be used that the pressure pad for the tennis elbow should be positioned two finger widths below the elbow on the outside of the forearm. (Unlike the brace, the bandage does not need to be tightened. The brace should fit tightly, but in no way impair blood circulation).

How does a tennis elbow bandage work?

A tennis elbow bandage can be purchased in most common medical supply stores and sports stores and can be applied by the affected person himself.However, they can also be prescribed by an orthopedist. It works in such a way that it relieves the muscular apparatus and relieves pain (or in the case of prophylactic use, does not even allow pain to develop in the first place) by exerting targeted, concentrated pressure on the tendons and muscles of the forearm. Normally such a bandage is made of neoprene or another robust material that can withstand high loads without any problems. The pressure intensity on the muscles can be individually varied (if available) by means of a Velcro fastener. Most tennis elbow bandages can be worn on both the right and left arm.