Should the boil on the back be expressed? | Furuncle on the back

Should the boil on the back be expressed?

With big furuncles on the back you should never push around yourself. Otherwise there is a risk that the bacteria will be squeezed into the surrounding tissue and the inflammation will spread even further.In the worst case, the pathogens can even enter the bloodstream by being pushed around and lead to life-threatening complications, such as blood poisoning with multiorgan failure or brain abscess.


As soon as the boil breaks through the skin and the purulent contents have emptied, the inflammation heals quickly and without complications within a few days. However, it can take several days, sometimes even weeks, until the boil is ripe. A pulling ointment promotes the maturation of the boil and accelerates the healing process.

Home remedy against boils on the back

There are a number of home remedies that can be used to treat annoying boils on the back or other parts of the body. A paste, mixed from water and healing earth (available in any drugstore or pharmacy), can be applied to the affected area. It is best to apply the paste thickly and leave it on the boil for about 15-20 minutes.

The healing earth accelerates the healing process and soothes the inflamed skin. Alternatively, a compress with tea tree oil or thyme oil can be applied. Various herbal active ingredients promote the maturing process of a boil and thus accelerate the spontaneous emptying of the pus.

Boiled linseed or chamomile flowers are particularly suitable for this purpose. The cooked seeds or herbs are filled into a small cloth and placed on the furuncle. You can also simply pour hot water over a bag of chamomile tea, squeeze it out and then lay it on. More tips can be found on our page Treatment of Boils