Shoulder Dislocation: Classification

Shoulder dislocation can be classified as follows.

The following forms of shoulder dislocation can be distinguished:

  • Anterior shoulder dislocation – dislocation of the shoulder forward; most common form.
  • Anterior-inferior shoulder dislocation – dislocation of the shoulder anteriorly downward.
  • Posterior shoulder dislocation – dislocation of the shoulder backward.
  • Others: axillary (“axillary concerning”) shoulder dislocation, paracorcacoidal shoulder dislocation, luxatio erecta (dislocation in which the head of the humerus is dislocated downward with the arm additionally held vertically upward).

Furthermore, the shoulder dislocation can be classified according to Matsen as follows:

  • TUBS – traumatic, unidirectional (“one direction only”), Bankart lesion, Surgical treatment (surgical treatment).
  • AMBRI – atraumatic, multidirectional, bilateral (“two-way”), rehabilitation, if surgical treatment, then inferior (lower) capsular shift.

According to Gerber, shoulder dislocation can be classified as follows:

Type Description
1 Luxation snagged
2 Unidirectional instability; no hyperlaxity (overmovement of joints)
3 unidirectional instability; hyperlaxity
4 Multidirectional instability; no hyperlaxity.
5 multidirectional instability; hyperlaxity
6 Luxation arbitrarily possible