Sick leave | Duration of tonsillitis

Sick leave

Since tonsillitis can lead to unpleasant symptoms such as fever, severe sore throat, difficulty swallowing, as well as aching limbs and general fatigue, a normal working or school day is not possible in many cases. In addition, tonsillitis is highly contagious and therefore it is advisable to stay away from healthy persons. Depending on the clinical picture, the attending physician issues a so-called certificate of incapacity to work for a few days.

An extension is possible at any time if the patient is presented to the doctor again. In addition to the sick note, a follow-up visit to the doctor also allows an assessment of the success of the treatment and, if necessary, a change in therapy. The correct therapy for tonsillitis depends fundamentally on the cause of the disease.

Many acute tonsillitis is caused by bacteria that can be treated with antibiotics. The length of time the medication is taken depends on the antibiotic prescribed. Usually, tonsillitis is treated with penicillin, but it should be taken for 10 days.

Even if the symptoms disappear before all tablets have been taken, the drug should be taken at the end of the treatment to prevent the development of resistance and eliminate all bacteria. Antibiotics do not help with viral tonsillitis.In most cases, the inflammation of viral origin heals by itself and the only things that can be recommended are protection and medication to relieve the symptoms. In case of recurrent and chronic tonsillitis, surgical removal of the tonsils may be considered.

Treatment with or without antibiotics?

Depending on the cause of the inflammation, taking antibiotics can significantly reduce the duration of the disease. For example, a tonsillitis caused by bacteria, which can last over two weeks without antibiotics, can heal much faster with antibiotics. In most cases, the symptoms of a bacterial tonsillitis decrease significantly within the first two to three days after taking antibiotics.

Nevertheless, a complete intake of the medication should be carried out to prevent the development of antibiotic resistance as well as a recurrence or chronicity of the disease. In the presence of bacterial tonsillitis, antibiotic therapy should always be given to prevent serious late complications. However, antibiotics are not recommended for viral tonsillitis. Viral tonsillitis must be fought by the body’s own immune system and usually heals within two weeks.