Side effect of the separation diet – Diet | The Food Combining Diet

Side effect of the separation diet – Diet

Occasionally, a strict diet based on the principle of separation food can result in a lack of nutrients, especially a lack of vitamin B, calcium and iron. This must be strictly controlled, especially during pregnancy and lactation. Due to the high consumption of dietary fibres, frequent bowel movements and diarrhoea can occur at the beginning of the dietary change. Often many dietary fibres cause an inflated stomach. Dietary fibers are difficult for the body to digest and many gases are produced in the body as part of their decomposition process.

Criticism of the diet

The theoretical basis of Hay’s Food Combining Theory is critically questioned by many scientists. Some experts argue that the most important factor in losing weight is the total number of calories consumed. The German Society for Nutrition advises against the Method of Food Combining because many foods naturally contain carbohydrates as well as proteins and fats. In addition, a strict implementation of the Food Combining Method can occasionally lead to deficiency symptoms due to a lack of vitamin B, calcium and iron.

What are the risks of food combining?

Some nourishing scientists criticize at the separation food theory that with a disciplined conversion and combination of the food a lack of Vitamin B, calcium and iron can develop. Lack symptoms can express themselves for example in the form of anaemia, sleep disturbances and depression. Calcium deficiency can lead to overexcitability of the musculature to a pronounced degree. If there is a deficit in the calcium balance for years, the bone metabolism is impaired and the risk of osteoporosis is significantly increased.

Where can I find good recipes for food combining?

On the Internet you can find many good recipes for the separation diet and especially the division of food into its groups. Since the neutral group includes a particularly large number of foods, there is a wide range of recipes. In addition, there are countless books containing delicious recipes according to the Trennkost Form. These also often provide detailed dietary instructions and the structure of the food groups, which can be used for orientation. Depending on your preferences, you can choose between internet sites and books and cook suitable recipes.