Side effects | Hoggar® Night

Side effects

The side effects of Hoggar® Night are many and varied, but do not have to be. In addition, the package inserts list each unwanted effect of the drug that has occurred once. In patients with an adrenal gland tumour, the administration of antihistamines, which includes Hoggar® Night, can cause certain substances to be released from the tumour.

These then have serious consequences and impair the cardiovascular system. With regard to the heart, cardiac arrhythmia, tachycardia and ECG changes can also occur. Finally, a reduction in leukocytes and thrombocytes can be observed during laboratory examinations. Side effects such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, increased or decreased appetite and pain in the stomach are also known.


An overdose of Hoggar® Night is initially characterized by centrally determined symptoms. These include restlessness, increased muscle reflexes, unconsciousness, respiratory depression and cardiovascular arrest. All these symptoms are serious consequences and should be immediately and intensively monitored and treated medically.

Further indications of an increased dose are dilation of the pupils, accelerated heart work (tachycardia), fever, heated skin and dry mucous membranes. As an immediate countermeasure, the stomach contents may be pumped out to prevent further absorption of the drug by the body. The symptoms present are treated symptomatically with appropriate countermeasures.