Side effects | Metamizole

Side effects

Metamizol® is generally considered to be well tolerated, however, as with all drugs some side effects are known, which are listed here:

  • Allergic reactions of the skin
  • Drop in blood pressure (hypotension)
  • Severe deficiency of certain white blood cells (granulocytes) with fever, inflammatory mucous membrane changes and sore throat

Metamizole must not be used in asthma patients, as it can trigger asthma attacks. Likewise, patients with a certain enzyme deficiency (glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency) or patients with bone marrow dysfunction should not receive Metamizole.


If Ciclospoprin A is also taken together with Metamizole, the blood concentration of the immunosuppressant can be reduced so that it can have less or no effect. Metamizole should not be used during pregnancy and lactation. Instead, it is recommended to switch to better tested drugs (e.g. paracetamol for pain and fever or ibuprofen for inflammatory diseases).

Application for children

Children under the age of 3 years or under 5 kg body weight must not receive Metamizole, as there is not enough experience to date whether the treatment of small children with Metamizole is safe.