Side effects | Mucoangin®

Side effects

In principle, all drugs can cause adverse effects in the body in addition to their desired effects. Depending on the site of attack and action of the drug, completely different side effects can occur. This also applies to the intake of Mucoangin®.

When Mucoangin® is taken, it can often cause taste disorders or a change in taste perception. Numbness in the oral cavity and throat area is also frequent. The occurrence of nausea is also a frequent side effect of taking Mucoangin®.

Upper abdominal pain, diarrhea or a dry mouth occur occasionally. In addition, there are side effects that have not occurred in clinical studies, but are known from individual case reports. These include, for example, skin rash, itching, hives or even vomiting.

In connection with the use of Ambroxol, the occurrence of the so-called Lyell or Steven-Johnson syndrome has been reported. Both are serious skin diseases that can occur while taking the medication. They are often accompanied by a deterioration in the patient’s general condition and the development of fever. If a co-reaction of the skin occurs when Mucoangin® is taken, regardless of the type of reaction, a presentation to the dermatologist is necessary.