Side effects | Naratriptan

Side effects

Like any drug, Naratriptan has risks when taken and side effects that must be considered before taking it. In general, however, Naratriptan is well tolerated. Possible side effects include mild nausea and discomfort.

Since Naratriptan works by constricting blood vessels, constrictions in other blood vessels may also occur. This would lead to pressure-like symptoms in the heart, also known as angina pectoris symptoms. This can also lead to shortness of breath and anxiety.

If there is a serious heart disease, the medication should not be taken for this reason. Furthermore, it can lead to an increase in blood pressure and flushing of the face. Since these types of side effects were not more common in studies than with placebo, Naratriptan was classified as having few side effects.


It is also important to consider some interactions with other drugs. The simultaneous intake with ergotamine should not take place. The same applies to the combined intake of Naratriptan and the so-called MAO inhibitors, which are rarely prescribed today for severe depression that cannot be treated otherwise.

Serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) are much more commonly used in depression, and their combination with naratriptan is also considered to be of concern. The reason is that a dangerous increase in serotonin in the body can occur when taken in combination.This can lead to the so-called serotonin syndrome, which is a partly life-threatening condition. Serotonin syndrome is characterized by nausea, sweating, palpitations, deterioration in general condition and cardiac arrhythmia. Immediate medical treatment is urgently indicated.

Use for migraine

Naratriptan is mostly used for migraine. The typical migraine headache sometimes occurs suddenly, sometimes with harbingers. It usually radiates behind one eye and is of a throbbing, very painful character.

Migraine headaches are often accompanied by nausea or vomiting, deterioration in general condition and weakness. Patients with migraine headaches often have a high sensitivity to light. In this case, the only help is often to stay in dark rooms or sleep.

A migraine attack usually lasts one day without medication, but in some cases it can last several days. In patients who are severely affected by migraines, a migraine attack can sometimes last up to a week. In this case, however, preventive medication (usually with a beta blocker) should also be considered.