Side effects of Dermatop | Dermatop®

Side effects of Dermatop

In contrast to other drugs used for the treatment of inflammatory skin diseases, Dermatop® is characterized by an almost optimal ratio between desired effects and possible side effects. In the case of short-term application, undesirable drug effects occur extremely rarely. One of the most frequent side effects is the burning of the rubbed-in skin areas.

Occasionally patients who use Decortin regularly report the occurrence of mild to moderate itching and very rough, dry scaly skin areas. Should the skin show typical allergic reactions such as irritation, redness and pustularity after using Decortin, the affected areas should be rinsed thoroughly with water. The further use of Decortin or other prednicarbate-containing medicines should be avoided in such a case.

In most cases the short-term use of Decortin rarely leads to the occurrence of side effects. The longer the treatment lasts, the more likely it is that problems will occur. An application that lasts longer than four weeks can lead to the formation of skin stripes (striae), skin regression (atrophy) and small punctiform skin bleedings (purpura). In addition, some patients experience dilation of the skin vessels. An increase in body hair (hypertrichosis) on the creamed skin areas cannot be excluded.


In principle, not many interactions of Dermatop® cream with other drugs are known. It should not be combined with other creams which also contain a cortisone derivative as active ingredient (this also includes marmot ointment). Furthermore, by airtight covering of the skin after application, e.g. by a bandage, the absorption of prednicarbate into the body (in the sense of an overdose) can be increased. Finally it is possible that an excessive consumption of grapefruit juice inhibits the degradation of prednicarbate and the resulting higher availability may cause more side effects.

When should I not use Dermatop®?

Dermatop® must not be used in case of known hypersensitivity to the active ingredient prednicarbate and/or other ingredients of the drug. In general, the medication should never come into contact with the eyes and mucous membranes. In case of contact it is recommended to rinse the affected areas with water immediately.

In the event of burning and/or severe redness, a doctor should be consulted as Dermatop® may cause damage to the mucous membrane cells and the eye. Skin symptoms which occur in the course of an infection such as syphilis or tuberculosis must not be treated with Dermatop®. Furthermore, in case of virus-induced skin diseases, ointments and/or creams containing prednicarbate should not be used.

Also fungal infections and typical skin reactions after vaccinations are typical contraindications for the application of Dermatop®. The inflammatory skin disease Dermatitis periorale occurs in the area of the mouth and must not be treated with Dermatop®. It should also be noted that bacterial skin diseases require the additional application of a suitable antibiotic, the mere application of prednicarbate-containing creams has no effect on bacterial growth. During the first third of pregnancy the use of Dermatop® is not allowed, as side effects and a harmful influence on the unborn child cannot be completely excluded.