Side effects of diet | Fasting cure and crash diet

Side effects of diet

Side effects occur with a chamfering cure particularly in the first phase of chamfering and can sometimes decrease or even disappear in the process. The most common side effects of fasting are acidosis, bad breath, body odor, fatigue, low blood pressure, dizziness, headache, lack of concentration, dry skin, muscle loss, weight loss and menstrual disorders. A common problem is acidosis, as the body’s own fats and proteins are increasingly broken down into so-called “ketone bodies”.

In addition to the physical side effects, there is also the psychological strain on the fasting person. Persons, who suffer from depressions or strong stress should therefore do without a chamfering cure. When planning a longer chamfering cure a medical appraisal by a physician should take place in any case before, in order to determine possible risks and exclusion criteria, since chamfered is contraindicated with some organic illnesses.

With gout it comes to a deposition of “uric acid” and “uric acid crystals” in peripheral tissues and joints, which leads to painful “attacks of gout“. Due to the already mentioned overacidification of the body during fasting, a reduced excretion of uric acid via the kidney occurs. Besides the function of the kidney is frequently impaired with gout patients, why sour substances can be already more badly separated and chamfered all the more to an overacidification to lead can. Persons, who suffer from gout or high uric acid values should chamfered therefore in no case, since otherwise the danger exists to release an attack of gout and to cause a degradation.

What are the risks of this diet?

As already with the side effects of chamfered is mentioned, it concerns a rather side effect richer method of a diet. The largest dangers result from the strong muscle dismantling and consumption of body reserves. Thus it can come among other things to gout attacks and dangerous heart rhythm disturbances.It should take place before in any case a health check by a physician, in order to ensure the suitability for chamfered. Only absolutely healthy humans should begin a chamfering cure. In order to keep the risk as small as possible, one can accomplish a chamfering cure in a hospital under constant medical supervision and at the same time pay attention to begin and afterwards also again slowly terminate chamfered carefully.