Side effects of diet | Marker-Diet

Side effects of diet

Particularly at the beginning of the change of diet, those willing to lose weight can have to fight with strong side effects of the extremely low carbohydrate supply. In addition to headaches, these include performance slumps, concentration difficulties, dizziness or irritability. Some people even have to struggle with circulation problems. After overcoming the initial sugar withdrawal, the symptoms should have largely disappeared. If they persist, a termination of the fasting cure must be considered.

Criticism of the diet

Particularly in the pure chamfering phase the Abnehmwillige orients itself strictly at the concept of the drinking cure. Thereby a clear weight loss on the balance can be registered, to a learning effect it does not come however not. Who would like to lose weight over a longer period and hold beyond that, must argue with the topic balanced nutrition and healthy way of life. Who falls back after the chamfering phase again into old patterns, is subject fast to the feared yoyo effect. Sports are also not promoted enough in the Markert diet, although it is an effective and sensible method in the context of weight loss and a healthy lifestyle.

Where can I find good recipes for the Marker Diet?

The Markert Diät was already brought in the middle of the 90’s on the market, since then there are numerous councellors. The Internet also offers a variety of recipes and portals where participants can exchange ideas. In addition to Markert Diät, Almased Diät is also available here as a keyword for searching.

How much can/should be lost with this diet form?

The dreaded yoyo effect always strikes after a diet, if one does not continue to eat in a calorie deficit. If there is a surplus, the extra calories are stored. The goal after a weight reduction is long-term maintenance, for this purpose one must eat within the range of maintenance calories: Supply as much as is consumed during the day through metabolism and exercise. An increase in weight of one or more kilos can also be explained by replenishing glycogen stores by simultaneously storing more water. In the long run, only a balanced diet and lifestyle can lead to body weight stability.