Side Effects of Laxatives

Laxatives should only ever be used for a short time, as they can have serious side effects in the long run. Most laxatives are usually not suitable to be taken for more than one to two weeks. This is because if laxatives are used long term, there is a risk of increased colon polyps occurring due to the irritation of the bowel. Once these colon polyps have reached a certain size, they can degenerate and colon cancer can develop.

Flatulence and abdominal cramps as side effects

When taking laxatives, flatulence and mild abdominal cramps may generally occur. However, diarrhea should not occur. If this is the case, too high doses of the laxative were probably taken or the drug was used too frequently. As a rule, it should be sufficient to take the laxative every two to three days. To determine the correct dosage of the laxative, you should consult your treating physician or a pharmacist.

When taking laxatives over a long period of time, a habituation effect can quickly occur. It is then impossible or difficult to defecate without laxatives. Once the habituation effect has occurred, larger and larger doses are needed to achieve a laxative effect. If the agents are discontinued again, the intestine works only to a limited extent over a longer period of time.

Potassium deficiency as a dangerous side effect

Taking laxatives often results in increased excretion of water and minerals. This can lead to the bowel activity being reduced even further. In the long term, taking laxatives can thus end up in a vicious circle, which in the worst case can lead to dependence.

The loss of too much potassium in particular can lead to disorders in various organs. These include the kidneys and the heart, but also the muscles. Muscle weakness, cardiac arrhythmias, bladder paralysis and liver disorders can occur.

Changes can also occur in the intestines themselves as a result of taking laxatives: For example, the intestinal wall may thin over time and the intestinal muscles may be weakened by the lack of potassium. If the musculature is weakened, the intestine can no longer press the contents toward the exit and constipation occurs again – although this is caused by the laxative itself.

Particularly severe side effects can possibly occur when taking laxatives containing bisacodyl or phenolphthalein, as well as plant extracts containing antraquinone, such as aloe or senna leaves. There is a suspicion that taking the laxatives may increase the long-term risk of certain cancers, such as urinary tract tumors.

Interactions with laxatives

If laxatives are taken, they may interact with various medications such as birth control pills. Some medications may be reduced in effectiveness, while others may be increased. For more detailed information, you should take a close look at the package insert of your laxative or consult a doctor or pharmacist.

Laxatives during pregnancy

Between 10 and 30 percent of all pregnant women experience constipation during pregnancy. The more advanced the pregnancy, the more common constipation becomes. This is due to the fact that the body produces more hormones during pregnancy, which have a negative effect on the activity of the intestines. In addition, the increasing enlargement of the uterus, changes in eating habits as well as little exercise during pregnancy can also promote the development of constipation.

As a general rule, laxatives should be avoided during pregnancy and breastfeeding. If constipation occurs, an attempt should first be made to remedy it in a natural way. In addition, swelling agents such as flaxseed, wheat bran or psyllium can also provide relief.

Laxatives containing anthraquinone are not suitable during pregnancy and breastfeeding. They can trigger contractions of the uterus and pass into the mother’s milk after birth. This can also cause side effects in the newborn. Before taking a laxative, pregnant women and nursing mothers should always consult their doctor.