Side effects of procaine base infusion | Procaine Base Infusion

Side effects of procaine base infusion

At normal dosage, side effects are rather rare. Serious side effects usually affect the cardiovascular system and neurological areas. Since procaine dilates the blood vessels, one possible side effect is a reduction in blood pressure.

At normal dosages this drop is only minimal, but an overdose can also cause a dangerous drop in blood pressure. Likewise, if the dose is too high, it can lead to sensory disturbances, since other than just the pain fibers are then also numbed. Furthermore, allergic reactions to procaine are reported in rare cases.

Those affected develop skin rashes, swelling and in extreme cases breathing difficulties. In the area of access, contamination with bacteria can also occur, resulting in an abscess or spreading inflammation. Procaine also has some interactions with muscle relaxants and reduces the effect of some antibiotics, so the use of other drugs should be reported to the treating physician. In case of side effects a doctor should always be consulted to plan further therapy. In case of a known intolerance, further infusions with procaine should be avoided.

Costs of a procaine base infusion

The public health insurance companies do not usually pay for the procaine base infusions. These are so-called IGEL services, i.e. individual health services. Some private health insurance companies pay for additional treatments. Those affected should ask their health insurance company about the assumption of the costs.