Side effects of Tribulus Terrestris | Tribulus terrestris

Side effects of Tribulus Terrestris

If you take food supplements in the recommended amounts, there are usually no side effects, and this is also the case with Tribulus Terrestris. There should be no side-effects under normal use with respect to the maximum dosages. If the dosage recommendation is not followed and an overdose occurs, stomach and intestinal problems may occur.

However, these problems will disappear if you adjust and reduce the dosage. Other side effects that may occur include sensitivity to light. This will also subside after stopping or lowering the dosage.

Since there are few studies on side effects, there are no long-term studies. Even though paralysis and jaundice sometimes occurred in series of tests on animals, there are no studies that could prove the toxicity in humans. Stomach and intestinal complaints after ingestion may occur.

However, another side effect that does not cause health problems may lead to exclusion from a competition.Tribulus Terrestris has often been associated with positive doping samples. Competitive athletes should therefore avoid supplementation with Tribulus Terrestris. There are no results from studies on hair loss nor is anything known about it.

TT can lead in some few cases to the fact that the liver is damaged. Since TT dissolves the bad fatty acids from the LDL Cholesterol out many fat cells by the cycle system to the liver are pumped and there “disposed of”. If the dosage is too high many free fat swims dissolved in the blood by the bloodstream and ends in the liver.

However, the liver can no longer keep up with all the work, so that excess fat can accumulate in the liver and clog the fine tubes. Liver damage can be the result. However, scientific studies confirming this opinion are still missing. In the studies published so far to TT no side effects are well-known. Unfortunately here however still long-term studies are missing, in order to examine the effects of a long continuing Supplementierung with TT.