Side effects | Protein powder

Side effects

Protein shakes are usually associated with a low risk of serious side effects. In addition to allergies to protein components or milk proteins, which should definitely be ruled out beforehand, they can lead to slight gastrointestinal complaints at the beginning; abdominal pain and diarrhoea are frequently described. If more proteins enter the intestinal tract unsplit, bacterial decomposition leads to the formation of gases.

In addition, they have an osmotic, i.e. water-binding effect and can thus lead to diarrhoea. These symptoms should disappear after some time, otherwise the intake must be stopped and in severe cases a doctor must be consulted. People with kidney dysfunction should refrain from taking protein powders, the amount of protein consumed in such cases must be discussed with a nephrologist.

Other side effects can in many cases be attributed to a deficient diet, especially if the intake of fatty acids, vitamins, trace elements and fiber is too low. This can lead to hormonal complaints, hair loss, tiredness or constipation. A too high calorie deficit can lead to dizziness, tiredness, concentration problems and mood swings. These side effects again emphasize the central importance of a balanced diet, in which protein powders should only be a supplement, but not the main component. This topic may also be of interest to you:

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What happens if I overdose?

On average we need about 1g of protein per kilogram of body weight, athletes and especially bodybuilders may have an increased need of up to 2.5g. In extreme cases, an excess of protein can lead to organ damage, with the liver and kidneys being particularly affected. Excessive protein consumption leads to an increase in metabolic waste products that can put a strain on these organs.Persons with liver or kidney dysfunction should refrain from taking protein powders and consult a doctor about their protein requirements.

There are also indications of an increased risk of osteoporosis, rheumatism and gout due to a permanent increase in the consumption of protein powders. The intake of protein powders can also lead to short-term discomfort and digestive problems. These include above all stomach aches, flatulence or diarrhoea. In general, the manufacturer’s instructions should be followed, as well as the recommendations of the German Society for Nutrition regarding the intake of proteins. If you experience undesirable side effects from the consumption of protein powders, stop taking them and consult your doctor.