Side effects | Side effects of chemotherapy for lung cancer

Side effects

The side effects emanating from the gastrointestinal tract are undoubtedly very dangerous if left untreated and very severe. Especially when vomiting, the body, often already emaciated by the lung cancer itself, is pushed even further to the limits of its capacity. Through strong vomiting, patients lose important minerals and electrolytes, which must be supplied to the body in sufficient quantities through infusions or appropriate nutrition and drinks.

The same applies to diarrhoea. Here too, patients lose important substances without which the body can dry out in the worst case (dehydration). Side effects in the gastrointestinal tract can result in tiredness, weakness, paleness, a feeling of cold and low blood pressure.

It is important to contact your doctor immediately if these symptoms are too pronounced. Caution is especially important with older people and children. Constipation also carries risks.

If it lasts for several days, a so-called stool bulb can form in the intestine, which can cause severe pain. Laxatives or enemas are then usually given to loosen the stool and to be able to excrete it in the end. Not only the physical effects make the side effects of vomiting and diarrhoea dangerous, but also the psychological effects.

Many patients lose the strength and will to keep up the chemotherapy and stop completely or take a lower dose, whether or not this has a bad effect on their lung cancer. In addition, chemotherapy can lead to limited or even non-existent fertility in both sexes. And women can also suffer from an early onset of menopause.

Sensitivity disorders are also possible. This means tingling and burning sensations on the palms of the hands and soles of the feet and numbness. Water retention in various parts of the body can also occur.

Nevertheless, it is always important to consider other causes for all side effects. The tyrosine kinase inhibitors also belong to the chemotherapeutic drugs. In contrast to the classical chemotherapeutic drugs, however, the tyrosine kinase inhibitors act in a targeted manner and thus cause fewer side effects.