Side Stitch


Side stitch is a clearly localized, sharp stabbing pain below the rib cage that usually occurs on the right side. It is observed during physical activity that involves vigorous movement of the trunk, especially jogging, running, and swimming, but can accompany many sports, even horseback riding. The pain interferes with and limits athletic performance, but usually passes quickly. The shoulder can also be affected. Side stitch is common, especially in young people, and often disappears with age.


The exact cause is not yet fully understood. Several possible reasons are thought to be responsible for side stitch. These include a spasm or reduced blood supply to the diaphragm, strain on the ligaments below the diaphragm, irritation of the inside of the abdominal wall, and concussion of the liver. Pre-exercise food intake and high-carbohydrate and hypertensive beverages and a lack of fitness appear to have a negative effect.

Treatment and prevention

For treatment, it is recommended to take breaks, bend forward and tense the abdominal muscles. Massage the area and breathe deeply. For prevention, the following tips can be followed:

  • Do not consume high-carbohydrate and hypertonic drinks and juices before exercise. Instead, drink isotonic sports drinks or non-carbonated water in small quantities.
  • Do not eat directly before exercise.
  • Avoiding too large loads in the untrained, train up gradually.
  • Increase fitness, strengthen the musculature.