Signs of a torn muscle fiber | Torn muscle fiber of the upper arm

Signs of a torn muscle fiber

The first signs of a torn muscle fiber are not always clear. Depending on the extent, more or less pain occurs. These can also increase in the course of time.

The torn muscle fiber in the upper arm is often caused during strength training. If the first pains occur that are still bearable for the person concerned, the training is often continued. In most cases, this aggravates the injury and leads to more severe pain.

The pain symptoms are usually the same: sudden onset, severe and persistent. When resting, the pain usually subsides slowly and reoccurs when movement is resumed. Every position of the arm that strains the muscles hurts – whether tension or stretching. This can be compared to aching muscles, where pain also occurs when the muscles are strained. The difference lies in the intensity of the pain and the additional functional impairment that may occur.

Diagnosis of a torn muscle fiber

In addition to a detailed questioning of the patient (anamnesis) after the accident and the complaints, the patient should be clinically examined. The upper arm is inspected closely and attention is paid to swelling, redness and dents (tissue gaps) or bumps. Furthermore, the doctor should carefully but thoroughly palpate the muscles of the upper arm (palpation) and look for pain or bruises (hematomas). An ultrasound examination (sonography) of the affected upper arm muscle can also be groundbreaking, since in the case of a ruptured muscle fiber, the rupture itself or a swelling in the affected region can sometimes be detected. MRI is also considered an advanced imaging possibility for detecting a torn muscle fiber in the upper arm.

Symptoms and complications of a torn muscle fiber of the upper arm

The main symptoms of a torn muscle fibre on the upper arm are pain. These are described as very strong, stabbing and persistent. Patients can hardly move, tense, stretch, or exert force with the help of the upper arm.In addition, swelling, retraction of the muscle (recognizable as a dent) or discoloration (hematoma) may occur at the site of the torn muscle fiber.

These resulting discolorations are bleedings into the surrounding tissue of the affected muscle. If the bleeding is very strong, it can lead to a degeneration of the effusion of blood and the ingrowth of connective tissue into it. The connective tissue can then form scar tissue, which can considerably limit the strength and contraction of the affected muscle.

The affected upper arm muscle is consequently more susceptible to further injuries. Another complication that can occur after a rupture of the muscle fiber of the upper arm is the formation of a capsule (cyst) around the bruise that has developed, which, just like the connective tissue that develops, can limit muscle strength and contractility. Furthermore, premature strain on the upper arm can lead to chronic inflammation with calcification and subsequent ossification (myositis ossificans), which can also reduce the functionality and strength of the upper arm.

If a rupture of an upper arm muscle is suspected, the following initial measures should be taken in accordance with the PECH rule (rest, ice, compression, elevation): The affected upper arm should be cooled as quickly as possible for about 15-20 minutes. The cold causes the blood vessels in and around the affected muscle to contract, thus preventing – by reducing the leakage of blood into the surrounding tissue – the development of complications caused by large bruises. However, due to the risk of frostbite, the cooling ice should never be applied directly to the skin.

Furthermore, the arm should be immobilized with the help of a compression bandage and positioned high up, as this also reduces the flow of blood into the surrounding tissue. After the immediate measures have been taken, a doctor should be consulted as soon as possible to discuss the further procedure and to identify complicated processes. At first, strict rest of the upper arm should be maintained.

This is the best way for the affected muscle fibers to regenerate themselves. The spontaneous healing powers are relatively high in the case of a torn muscle fiber on the upper arm. Often, however, supporting measures such as heat therapy, massages or ointments are perceived by many patients as helping and accelerating the healing process.

However, the objective effectiveness of the mentioned therapy options is controversial in professional circles. Furthermore, anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving drugs (e.g. Diclofenac) can help to alleviate the pain symptomatology. In the case of a very large muscle fiber tear on the upper arm, which is associated with severe pain and dysfunction, surgery may also be necessary in rare cases, which can limit the damage, but may also result in an extended regeneration period.

Meanwhile, treatment with tapes is used to treat a wide variety of problems of the musculoskeletal system. These self-adhesive plastic strips are applied to the skin according to a specific system and are intended to shorten the healing process. This way, tapes can also be used for problems of the upper arm.

After a rupture of the muscle fiber, it is especially important to immobilize the muscle and relieve it. In order to make it easier to return to using the muscles or to train them, it may be possible to do without complete immobilization, since the muscle tissue would otherwise be continuously degraded. Depending on which large muscle the torn muscle fibre is located – whether in the biceps or triceps – the Kinesiotape must be applied differently.

To a certain extent, the tape prevents the injured muscle from being overly mobile and stabilizes the corresponding part of the musculoskeletal system. The healing process is thus shortened and the time the muscle needs to resume its old activities is minimized. Nevertheless, it is important to allow the tissue sufficient time to regenerate, otherwise the injury may worsen.

The tape can be applied professionally and usually for a small fee by a physiotherapist or trained doctor (also family doctor) or by a layperson. For the latter, there are various websites that provide video material in which the taping process is explained step by step. For example, if the biceps is affected by a torn muscle fibre, an I-shaped tape is used, which should extend from the elbow to the shoulder.The strip is cut from one side to about one sixth of the total length (for 30 cm this is 5 cm), from the other side about four sixths (for 30 cm this is 20 cm).

This creates an X in a certain way. To stick the tape, the arm should be stretched. The part of the tape that is not cut is placed in the elbow, with the short sides towards the forearm, which are fixed there.

The two long strips, which are created by the large incision, are now glued in an arc to the left and right of the biceps muscle, so that they frame it. They should meet at the front of the shoulder and also end there. This way, the course of the muscle is reproduced from its base to its origin and the tape, if applied correctly, has a supporting effect.

If there is a torn muscle fibre on the upper arm, an orthopaedic surgeon or sports physician should always be consulted. In addition to the prescribed therapy, homeopathic treatment can be given. This can complement the sedative measures of conventional medicine.

Various natural remedies in the form of wraps, ointments, drops and globules are used. Quark wraps or wraps with clay can cause a swelling of the injured tissue through their cooling effect. Ointments containing arnica or comfrey are said to have an anti-inflammatory effect and can be applied additionally.

Arnica montana (mountain lotion) can also be taken in drop form. This remedy is said to have a decongestant and anti-inflammatory effect. The formation of bruises should also be reduced, which can have a significant positive influence on the healing process of a torn muscle fiber. Other homeopathic remedies are Calendula (marigold) and Apis mellificia (honey bee), whose effects are similar overall. The dosage should be individually adjusted to the patient by a competent person.