Signs of Birth

Days respectively a few weeks before the calculated date of birth, it comes to numerous changes in the body of the woman. The signs for the birth express themselves in the most diverse ways. On the one hand, the pressure on the ribs and sternum decreases, on the other hand, the pregnant woman notices that the unborn child is pushing downwards. The first sign that the pregnancy will soon be over and the birth process can begin.

The body sends harbingers

Pregnant women who no longer feel like their belly and their circumstance of being pregnant, in many cases, are already close to the birth of their child. Indeed, the “unwillingness” is one of the first signs that it may soon start. Lack of appetite, insomnia, diarrhea and also the leakage of foremilk are other signs. Sometimes those signs of birth can occur as early as the 36th week of pregnancy. In the end, however, it does not matter how many signs are noticed; how long it will take until the birth process actually starts cannot be definitively said – based on the number of signs. The body does keep sending out harbingers, which may very well indicate that it won’t be long now. And yet several weeks can pass before the child is actually born. Often the expectant mothers do not perceive the harbingers to that effect, the body, on the other hand, is already beginning to change and prepare for the birth of the child.

Descending and exercise contractions

Days before the birth, women always notice that the shape of their abdomen has changed. This is because from the 36th week of pregnancy, the unborn baby begins to change its position and gets into “take-off position”, so to speak. Descending contractions, which can sometimes last 30 to 40 seconds, are a sign that the baby has moved “lower down”. One advantage: if the pregnant woman suffered from heartburn, this will now have disappeared. A disadvantage: the child is now on the bladder, so the pregnant woman feels she has to constantly visit the toilet. A circumstance that can also be perceived as very uncomfortable, but means that the child would be ready to come out of the body. However, if the pregnant woman cannot clearly tell the difference between sinking contractions or labor pains, a warm full bath (38 degrees water temperature) can provide quick clarification. If the contractions stop, it was just a contraction. However, if the pain becomes stronger, it is probably labor pains.

Clear signal: the mucus plug.

The mucus plug performs one of the most important functions in pregnancy, protecting the cervix from germs as well as bacteria, and thus protecting the unborn baby. Many pregnant women have reported that the mucus plug has become detached a few days or even a few hours before delivery. The appearance varies. In many cases, it is a transparent and clear mucus; however, sometimes it may be slightly watery or even bloody. The mucus plug may come off in one gush or may gradually become visible or come off in “pieces.” When the mucus plug comes off, it means that the cervix has opened or is starting to open. It is not possible to say in general terms how many days or hours will pass before the birth actually begins. However, documentation by midwives has shown that the departure of the mucus plug is a very sure sign that the pregnancy can be expected to last only a few more days or that the birth of the child will take place in a few days.

40 SSW – now it can start at any moment.

From the 40th week of pregnancy, the pregnant woman must expect to go into labor at any moment. Signs of birth she will have already noticed enough; another sure sign is the so-called rupture of the bubble. This means that the amniotic sac breaks and amniotic fluid subsequently escapes. The amniotic fluid is clear, but can also be yellowish, greenish or even brownish – if the pregnant woman is over the expected due date. The rupture of the membranes does not cause any pain! However, as popularly depicted in movies, the fluid does not have to come out in a gush. The baby’s head can often be seen as a seal, so the amniotic fluid may come out at different intervals rather than all at once.Pregnant women who are already at or above 40 weeks gestation should pay increased attention to signs that suggest the birth process is beginning.

When should you go to the clinic?

Many pregnant women, if it is their first pregnancy, are unsure when it is actually time. Finally, one is afraid to constantly trigger a “false alarm” or to appear “panicky”. If there are signs that indicate a birth, a hospital should be visited immediately. A rupture of the bubbles or labor pains are a sure sign to go to the hospital immediately, as the birth is not far off. And if it is indeed a false alarm, none of the obstetricians or medical professionals are angry or upset. In fact, many doctors are happy for women – even if there are no actual signs of childbirth – to go to the hospital; better once more than too late, or rather, better to be cautious.