Single periodization vs. double periodization | Principle of periodization

Single periodization vs. double periodization

Depending on the type of sport/discipline, a distinction is made between single and double periodization. Both have advantages and disadvantages: Disadvantages of double periodization: Advantages of double periodization: This topic may also be of interest to you: The principle of progressive load

  • The 1st competition period disturbs the training rhythm of the preparation period for competition period 2
  • Too high training load, unreasonable training volumes with negative effects on the 2nd competition period.
  • Motivation through several competitions (too long competition breaks lead to problems with motivation)
  • Competition period 1 serves as performance control
  • Getting used to competition situations
  • Improvement of speed and strength

While the linear periodization increases the intensity evenly over the training cycle, the wave-shaped periodization changes the training stimulus. For example, speed and strength are trained alternately so that there is a wave-like stimulus sequence. A training day thus serves for recovery through the different training stimulus.The wave-like periodization is intended to prevent training plateaus and to keep the nervous system active through changing stimulus presentation, so that adaptation can be expected over a long period of time.