Sinupret Juice


Sinupret Saft is a syrup from Bionorica AG. It is a herbal remedy for improving the symptoms of acute sinusitis. Sinupret Juice can be used for acute, uncomplicated inflammation of the paranasal sinuses (acute, uncomplicated rhinosinusitis).

The application period is 7-14 days. If there is no improvement after this time, or if the inflammation keeps returning, a doctor should be consulted. Sinupret Juice is not subject to prescription and is therefore freely available in pharmacies.


Sinupret Juice is used to treat symptoms of acute, uncomplicated inflammation of the sinuses. It can help to fight a stuck cold by loosening mucus and making it easier to remove. The mucous membranes swell and over time the nose and head become clear again. Children from the age of 2 years can already take it. This makes the juice a good alternative to the other Sinupret products, as many of them are not suitable for children at this age.

Sinupret juice for cough

Like many other diseases, coughing can have different origins and causes. If the cough is a side effect of a cold, it can be treated well with expectorants. If the cause is more serious as for example a pneumonia, one cannot avoid an antibiotic therapy. Sinupret Juice contains cough expectorants that liquefy the viscous mucus and thus help the body to expel it. By making it easier to cough up the mucus, the mechanism for self-cleaning of the airways is supported.

Active ingredient and effect

The active ingredients are as follows: Sinupret Juice, with its combination of 5 plants, helps fight a stubborn cold and sinusitis. The effect is that the mucus is dissolved and can thus be more easily removed. In addition, the juice causes the inflamed mucosa to swell. The nose is opened and the head becomes free again.

  • Gentian root
  • Vervain
  • Garden sorrel herb
  • Elderflower
  • Key Flower Blossoms