Skin Aging: Medical History

Medical history (history of illness) represents an important component in the diagnosis of skin aging.

Family history

  • Do many family members suffer from premature skin aging?

Social history

  • What is your profession?
  • Is there any evidence of psychosocial stress or strain due to your family situation?

Current medical history/systemic history (somatic and psychological complaints).

  • Have you noticed any change in the skin?
  • Is it sagging, irregularly pigmented, or yellowish in color?

Vegetative history including nutritional history.

  • Is your skin exposed to the sun a lot?
  • Do you go to the tanning salon often?
  • Do you eat a balanced diet?
  • Do you smoke? If so, how many cigarettes, cigars or pipes per day?
  • Do you drink alcohol? If yes, what drink(s) and how many glasses per day?
  • Do you use drugs? If yes, what drugs and how often per day or per week?

Self history incl. medication history.

  • Pre-existing conditions (skin diseases)
  • Operations
  • Radiotherapy
  • Allergies
  • Environmental history (chemicals, UV-A/UV-B rays).

Drug history

  • Corticosteroids