Skin rash during pregnancy | Skin rash on the chest

Skin rash during pregnancy

A skin rash on the breast that frequently occurs during pregnancy is pityriasis versicolor. This is caused by the yeast fungus Malassezia furfur, which is part of the normal skin flora in all humans. It causes brownish spots, which remain lighter under sunlight compared to the rest of the tanned skin.

This fungal infection occurs mainly in people who sweat a lot, which can be promoted by pregnancy. But also other fungal infections can be favored by this humid-warm environment and cause a rash with accompanying itching. During pregnancy, however, rashes with itching can occur without any apparent cause, as the body reacts more sensitively to scents and chemicals. However, this should subside on its own after a few days. However, if the rash on the breast is accompanied by general symptoms such as fever and sore throat during pregnancy, a doctor should be consulted immediately to rule out an infection that is harmful to the unborn child.

Skin rash on chest and abdomen

If a rash affects the chest and abdomen as well as the back, it is also referred to as the body trunk. Typical rashes that affect the trunk are infections with the typical childhood diseases. Scarlet fever, caused by bacteria, is accompanied by a small spotted rash, typically a so-called strawberry tongue, a bright red tongue, and general symptoms with sore throat, fever and chills.

The situation is similar with measles, where the rash is also small spotted and the patient suffers from general symptoms. In measles, a disease caused by viruses, the mucous membrane of the mouth is often also affected by white spots called “Koplik spots”. Here the small spots of the rash merge into each other.

These two diseases can be confused with rubella, which is caused by the rubella virus. In addition to the red, small-spotted rash, there may be fever and swelling of lymph nodes. Diseases caused by tropical pathogens, such as dengue fever or malaria, can also cause a rash similar to measles. Another rash that can affect the strain is the drug exanthema, which is an allergic reaction to a drug, or hives, an allergic skin reaction of various causes, which is accompanied by sudden red spots and wheals and severe itching.