Skin Rash (Exanthema)

Exanthem – colloquially called skin rash – (Greek: “I blossom”; synonyms: Rash; Eruption; Exanthem; Exanthema; Skin florescence; Skin exanthema; Maculopapular rash; Morbilliform exanthema; Scarlet rash; Uncharacteristic efflorescence; Uncharacteristic rash; Uncharacteristic exanthema; Nonspecific skin eruption and rash; Nonspecific skin rash; Vesicular exanthema; ICD-10-GM R21: Rash and other nonspecific skin eruptions) refers to the acute occurrence of extensive, similar skin lesions. The occurrence of similar skin changes in the area of the oral mucosa is called enanthem.

One can distinguish many different forms and manifestations of the skin rash.

According to the etiology (cause), the following forms of exanthema can be distinguished:

  • Allergic
  • Bacterial
  • Infectious
  • Medicinal
  • Toxic

Exanthem can be a symptom of many diseases (see under “Differential diagnoses”).

Course and prognosis: course and prognosis depend on the underlying disease. The cause should be found as soon as possible to start therapy immediately.