Skin rash without itching in children | Skin rash without itching

Skin rash without itching in children

Many children suffer from skin rashes from time to time. As with adults, it can have various causes and is usually harmless. Children often react to detergents or care products with rashes.

This is particularly likely if the rash appears after switching to new products and disappears again after omitting the relevant products. In general, it is recommended that babies and children use products without perfumes or dyes, which can often cause irritation. A dry, reddened rash with skin tears on the earlobe, the crook of the arm or other specific parts of the body can be an indication of neurodermatitis (a chronic inflammatory skin disease), which sometimes occurs with or without itching.

Finally, a skin rash often accompanies an infectious disease.Often the children here have other symptoms (depending on the illness, often fever, fatigue, etc.) and the rash appears relatively suddenly at the beginning or during the course of the illness. The form of the rash is sometimes very characteristic for the respective disease and is decisive for the diagnosis of the disease.

Measles is characterized by a reddening of the palate and then a large rash (often starting behind the ear and spreading over the whole body). Characteristically, the rash is often without itching. In this disease the rash disappears by itself after a few days.

With rubella, the rash typically starts on the face and spreads to the trunk and extremities. However, these are individual patches that do not confluent (flow together). It is often accompanied by fever, swelling of the lymph nodes and headache or aching limbs.

In general, it can be said that especially in children with one and the same disease, one child may feel a strong itching, while the next child may miss it completely. Specialists in the diagnosis of a rash are dermatologists. They can diagnose the disease using various methods.

The diagnosis of a disease usually begins with a detailed doctor-patient consultation: the medical history. During this conversation a number of diseases can be excluded and possibly one or two possible causes for the occurring rash can be considered. Depending on the appearance and accompanying symptoms, a physical examination of the affected person follows the anamnesis. It is important for the physician whether the rash is accompanied by skin scaling, where the rash appears, and whether or not the rash can be pushed away with a finger.