Skin Thinning: Causes, Treatment & Help

Skin thinning is a possible symptom of disease. However, skin thinning is not always caused by underlying diseases.

What is skin thinning?

Schematic diagram showing the anatomy and structure of the skin. The skin is a sensitive organ. Daily care and medical precautions help against skin aging and skin diseases. Click to enlarge. If skin thinning is present in an affected person, it is characterized by local reductions in skin thickness. Skin thinning is often associated with feelings of tension and/or itching. Furthermore, dry skin occurs more quickly in the corresponding skin areas. Due to the reduced skin thickness in the presence of skin thinning, corresponding skin areas are particularly susceptible to injuries; for example, even comparatively light scratch wounds can lead to a leakage of blood. Various pathogens can also penetrate the skin more easily in areas affected by skin thinning and lead to inflammation here, for example. In addition, the areas of skin that exhibit skin thinning are often slightly reddened in an affected person. This can individually lead to a cosmetic-related suffering.


The occurrence of skin thinning can be caused by a variety of reasons. First, skin thinning need not always be a sign of existing dysfunction or disease; the natural aging process can also cause skin thinning in humans. However, in many cases skin thinning is a symptom of underlying diseases. Such underlying diseases include, for example, various metabolic disorders, circulatory disorders or an existing hypothyroidism. If skin thinning is accompanied by a yellowish coloration of the skin, these changes may be caused, for example, by various liver diseases. Such liver diseases can also lead to skin thinning of the mucous membrane of the tongue. An example of infectious diseases that can cause thinner skin is bacterial Lyme disease:

If skin thinning occurs here, it is often over a wide area. In particular, skin changes due to Lyme disease appear on the extremities such as arms and legs. Last but not least, the local application of medical agents such as cortisone or insulin can also cause skin thinning.

Diseases with this symptom

  • Circulatory disorders
  • Psoriasis
  • Neurodermatitis
  • Metabolic disorder
  • Crohn’s disease
  • Cushing’s syndrome
  • Lyme disease
  • Lichen sclerosus
  • Scleroderma

Diagnosis and course

Skin thinning is usually diagnosed based on a patient’s presenting complaint. In order to identify the individual cause of skin changes, a treating physician usually first conducts a patient interview, during which the patient is asked, among other things, about his previous medical history. This may already lead to initial tentative diagnoses. Depending on the diagnosis, further examination methods may then be used; if, for example, a bacterial infection is a possible cause of the skin thinning, blood tests may provide further information. The course of skin thinning depends, among other things, on factors such as the corresponding causes of the skin changes and the treatment measures taken. The course of the symptoms also depends on the response of the affected person to the therapy. In the presence of underlying diseases, the course of the disease often also influences the course of skin thinning.


The term skin thinning refers to a local decrease in skin thickness. Even minor mechanical effects make this area of the skin susceptible to injury, so that even touching or light scratching can lead to open and bleeding wounds. If care is not taken, infections with sepsis can quickly occur. Skin thinning is often associated with constant itching and feelings of tension, which enormously reduce the quality of life of those affected. The permanent itching causes, for example, sleepless nights, the well-being suffers and the physical and mental performance is limited. Furthermore, skin thinning is usually a symptom of an already existing disease.Depending on the severity and type of the underlying disease and its correlations, the reaction effects are manifested through the skin appearance. The infectious disease Lyme disease can affect different systems of the organism. Thus, extreme thinning of the skin on different parts of the body often becomes apparent only after months. Malignant tumors in the lowest part of the pharynx (hypopharynx) are usually caused by heavy smoking or alcohol consumption. These malignant tumors cause increasing thinning of the mucous membrane with painful swallowing difficulties, changes in taste, and cramping of parts of the stomach and esophageal muscles. However, the alleviation of the disease by certain medications can also often lead to adverse drug reactions. In rare cases, certain substances trigger skin diseases with serious consequences. These include necrosis, drug exanthema, urticaria, and angioedema. Continuous medication with cortisone (cortisol) in asthma and insulin as a hormone substitute in diabetes mellitus also have a very detrimental effect on the skin. Skin aging also plays a role. The thickness of the skin decreases noticeably with age, and women are particularly affected by the change in hormone balance during menopause.

When should you see a doctor?

Skin thinning can be both a symptom and a skin condition in its own right. In rather rare cases, skin thinning may have a natural cause, particularly due to the normal aging process. In that case, nothing needs to be done, provided no other symptoms are added. Skin thinning is often associated with itching and often a feeling of tightness. For this reason alone, a visit to the doctor is indicated. It should be borne in mind that skin thinning no longer represents a strong barrier against possible invading pathogens. Inflammations can be the result. Thinned skin also has a greater tendency to dry out. In the event of skin thinning, the first course of action should be to consult a family doctor. He or she may refer the patient to a dermatologist or to an internist, gastroenterologist, endocrinologist, allergist or other specialist. Diseases underlying skin thinning may be circulatory disorders, metabolic disorders, liver diseases or hypothyroidism, all of which require medical treatment. Another disease requiring treatment, bacterial Lyme disease, also leads to skin thinning. Medicinal treatments with cortisone or insulin, which can cause thinning of the skin, should also not be forgotten. Autoimmune diseases that also thin the skin are usually not curable. But their progression can be slowed, which also benefits the skin’s appearance.

Treatment and therapy

An individual therapy of thin skin is oriented primarily to the causes of occurring skin changes. If certain underlying diseases have led to skin thinning, an important therapy goal is initially the treatment of corresponding diseases – as a rule, the improvement of skin thinning then occurs in parallel with an improvement of the disease. In addition to treating the cause, symptomatic treatment of skin thinning can also be carried out; if skin changes are accompanied by itching and/or feelings of tightness, for example, the application of caring substances can help to alleviate the symptoms and protect the skin from further drying out. Lyme disease as a cause of skin thinning is often treated by a specially formulated administration of medication. Autoimmune diseases of the skin, which can cause thinning of the skin, are usually not curable; however, appropriate treatment can slow down the progression of the disease. Because autoimmune diseases of the skin are thought to result from a dysfunctional immune system, medications that alter or limit immune system function may also positively affect progression of skin thinning.

Outlook and prognosis

Skin thinning represents a very unpleasant symptom for the patient. In this case, even relatively minor external effects can leave major damage on the skin. Scratching or even minor injuries lead to bleeding and sores. In the case of poor hygiene, infections and inflammations can result, from which scars can also develop. Due to the thinning of the skin, the quality of life is reduced. The patient can no longer perform physically heavy work.In addition, the skin develops a permanent itching sensation. The patient should nevertheless refrain from scratching the skin. The itching may also cause pain, and ordinary sleeping is sometimes no longer possible. In many cases, skin thinning occurs at an older age and is a common symptom. Direct treatment is not possible. If skin thinning occurs after a tick bite, a doctor must be consulted. In this case, Lyme disease may have occurred, but also treated.


The best way to prevent the occurrence or further progression of skin thinning is to seek early medical treatment for underlying conditions. Since Lyme disease is transmitted by ticks as a possible cause of skin thinning, for example, it can be preventive in this regard to dress protectively when spending time in endangered areas (such as forests or meadows) and/or to be vaccinated.

What you can do yourself

If skin thinning is present, the skin should be spared so that it does not hurt or even bleed. Mechanical stress in this case aggravates the symptoms. For example, scratching the affected areas of the skin should be avoided so that the skin does not crack or become irritated. Itching in this situation should be counteracted by pressure or cooling. Alternatively, treating the thin areas with an ointment can also help. Pharmacies offer various remedies that are sold without a doctor’s prescription. A change in diet can possibly prevent skin thinning from getting worse with age. Since psychological causes may also be involved, it is important to balance body and mind. A stress-free lifestyle and healthy eating are conducive to a good course of the disease. If type 2 diabetes is present, patients should not try to bring about relief themselves in the event of skin thinning. The symptom may then indicate an insulin deficiency, which must be treated by a physician without fail. Also, if the skin thins after taking medication or for no apparent reason, a medical examination is strongly advised.