Skull base fracture


Basal skull fracture

  • Cranial roof fractures (skull calotte fracture)
  • Basal skull fractures (skull base fracture)
  • Facial skull fractures

The skull base is formed by parts of the frontal bone (Os frontale), sphenoid bone (Os sphenoidale), ethmoid bone (Os ethmoidale), occipital bone (Os occipitale) and temporal bone (Os temporale). The inner cranial base is divided into three pits: anterior (Fossa cranii anterior), middle (Fossa cranii media) and posterior (Fossa cranii posterior). It forms the floor of a cavity in which the brain is located.

Symptoms of a skull base fracture

The possible externally visible symptoms of a skull base fracture include classic bruising, such as eyeglass hematoma (bleeding into the skin around the eyes/eye sockets in the form of glasses) or visible bleeding into the eye socket (monocular hematoma). Bleeding into the space behind the eye can lead to a spatial displacement of the eye to the front, causing it to protrude. (see also pain behind the eye) If the eye also pulsates, this can even be an indication of bleeding from the torn or completely torn internal carotid artery.

In addition, an open connection between the cerebrospinal fluid space (space between the brain and meninges) and the nasal cavity or external auditory canal caused by the skull base fracture can lead to a visible discharge of clear cerebral fluid from the mouth, nose or ears. If smaller or larger vessels are also injured by the trauma, the clear cerebrospinal fluid may also be tinged with blood. Non-visible, neurological symptoms include disturbances of consciousness such as clouding of consciousness or even complete loss of consciousness.

The blood vessels of the brain that may have been torn in the course of the skull base fracture can also cause symptoms of a stroke by bleeding into the brain tissue. These include paralysis, numbness, visual disturbances, speech disorders and severe headaches. In the same way, individual cranial nerves, which originate in the brain and leave the cranial cavity through various openings in the base of the skull, can be trapped by the fracture and cause symptoms such as dizziness, blindness, paralysis of the facial muscles, loss of hearing and smell.