Sleeping Sickness (African Trypanosomiasis): Prevention

To prevent sleeping sickness (African trypanosomiasis), attention must be paid to reducing risk factors.

Behavioral risk factors

  • Affected mainly the rural population, aid workers.

General exposure prophylaxis

  • Avoid endemic areas with particularly high pathogen prevalence (pathogen frequency)
  • Avoid bites from mosquitoes by wearing clothing that covers the entire body and use of repellents, impregnated mosquito nets – tsetse flies usually bite during the day outdoors.
  • Chemoprophylaxis is not recommended
  • After an infection should quickly see a doctor


  • Education of the population
  • Improvement of living conditions
  • Control of vectors in endemic areas (insecticides, tsetse traps, biological control).
  • Treat infected pets
  • Screening of blood donors (from endemic areas).