Slim after Birth and Pregnancy

This guide gives useful tips and exercises on how to become slim, fit and attractive again after birth, or pregnancy. Use these exercises to get a beautiful figure again.

Slim after birth and pregnancy

Slim even after childbirth. Every woman would like to become slim and attractive again as soon as possible after her pregnancy, birth or delivery. Slim even after childbirth. Every woman would like to become slim and attractive again as soon as possible after her pregnancy, birth or delivery. Have a good figure, do not keep a flabby belly and do not suffer from back pain. Also the ugly stretch marks should disappear, if possible. The following exercises should help to realize these wishes. Every healthy woman can and should do them to become slim again. In case of perineal tears, perineal incisions and surgical deliveries, exercise should only be done under professional guidance, and no exercise is done in case of fever. At least 24 hours, at the latest 48 hours after delivery can be started. In the first days, the exercises are light and mainly stimulate the metabolism. In the following days, the heavily used pelvic floor and abdominal muscles are strengthened. In order not to overstrain them, but to put them under sensible strain, the exercises are arranged in such a way that every day something new is added and he old is repeated. The metabolism-stimulating exercises can be omitted as soon as they are up all day. After 6 days, you then have an exercise program that must now be practiced for at least 6 weeks to achieve the desired strengthening of the muscles. Women who do not give birth at home perform similar exercises under supervision during their hospital stay. They should also continue to do regular gymnastics at home. These women start right away with day 6 exercises. Gymnastics is done in bed, in a well-ventilated room, preferably after breastfeeding. Gymnastics is divided into 3 exercise groups:

  • Stimulation of the metabolism
  • Strengthening of the pelvic floor
  • Strengthening of the abdominal muscles

Starting position each time is supine, each exercise should be repeated three times, unless otherwise specified.

Metabolic exercises

Duration 1 to 2 minutes, pace fast

a) Legs extended, raise arms, vigorously close fingers into fist and open again (8 to 10 times), then move hands up and down in wrist and circle (8 to 10 times). b) Bend and stretch at the elbow joint, when bending the fingers touch the shoulder, when stretching the palms face pben. c) Curl and stretch toes, then move feet up and down in ankle, with each other, against each other and circle (8- to 10 times).

Pelvic floor exercises

a) Legs extended, vigorously tighten gluteal and abdominal muscles. Hold tension for 2 seconds and slowly release. b) Squat legs, again tighten gluteal and abdominal muscles , then squeeze thighs, hold tension and release. c) Squat legs up, place arms diagonally next to body, again tense muscles, lift buttocks off base and lay down. The muscles are relaxed first on the support. The buttocks are placed once in the middle, then far to the right and left.

Abdominal exercises

a) Raise the head and tighten the feet, intensely tensing the abdominal muscles. b) Bend the upper body to the right or left, staying on the base. c) In this and the following exercises, hands are folded at the back of the neck. Bend both legs, stretch them and lay them down slowly. d) Lift both legs stretched slightly from the base and lay them to the right or left. e) Cycling – bend and stretch the legs alternately – perform the movements first quickly and then slowly. f) Left hand at the back of the neck, right arm rests beside the body. Bring the left elbow to the right knee, straightening the upper body and bending the right leg, then vice versa right arm, left leg. g) Pull the left or right leg to the chest, clasp the lower leg with both hands, the other leg remains stretched on the base, come up to the seat, stretch and fall back. The sensible increase of gymnastics, distributed over the individual days, looks as follows: One begins, as already mentioned, on the 2nd day after the birth. 2nd day: metabolic exercises a), b), c).Day 3: Repeat the exercises from day 2, adding pelvic floor exercises a) and abdominal exercises a), b). Day 4: Repeat all the exercises from the previous days, adding pelvic floor exercises b) and abdominal exercises c), d). Day 5: The metabolic exercises can now be omitted, but all the other exercises from the previous days are repeated, plus pelvic floor exercises c) and abdominal exercises e). Day 6: All the exercises from Day 5 are repeated, plus abdominal exercises f), g). The exercise program for the 6th day is also the workload for the following days. Daily and persistent exercises and gymnastics are now done on each following day. Since most women are off from the 7th day, the first two exercises of the abdominal mucus exercises can be omitted; instead, the hot daily program can be concluded with the following exercises in the standing straddle position:

1. fold hands above the head, swing the upper body forward and stretch the hands far back through the straddled legs, so-called wood chopping exercise, then straighten up again. 2. both arms in high hold, shift the weight to the right leg, perform 3 trunk swings with knee derotation to the right, then shift the weight to the left and again swing 3 times over the left leg. Over the next few weeks and months, in consultation with your doctor, you should begin light jogging. This will tighten your orange peel skin in the long run and gradually make your stretch marks or pregnancy scars disappear. In addition, for further tightening of the figure, light, health-oriented strength training is extremely useful.