
Definition – What are slack eyelids?

Drooping eyelids are a disease of the upper eyelids of the eyes, which usually occur with age. Due to changes and weaknesses of the connective tissue and additional fat deposits in the upper eyelid, the upper eyelids droop slackly. This appearance of the eyelids is called drooping eyelid. The equivalent of this on the lower eyelid are the so-called tear sacs, which can also lead to changes in the eyelids due to tissue weakness.

Causes for slipping eyelids

The causes of drooping eyelids are usually found in old age. With increasing age the connective tissue, which often serves as a kind of support in the tissue and keeps it in shape, becomes weaker. This promotes the development of drooping eyelids and tear sacs, but is also noticeable in many other parts of the body.

Other causes of drooping eyelids can be processes that promote the aging of body tissues in general. These include lack of sleep and stress with a lack of regeneration for body and mind as well as the excessive consumption of harmful substances such as alcohol, nicotine and drugs. Due to the stress hormones as well as the harmful substances, the skin ages prematurely.

This is also noticeable in the supporting connective tissue and leads to a greater “slackness” of the connective tissue, which favors drooping eyelids. However, hormonal diseases such as thyroid gland dysfunction can also cause changes to the eye and eyelids. Likewise, increased release of stress hormones due to defective regulation in the brain or adrenal cortex can lead to premature damage to the skin, which also favors drooping eyelids.

How can slip eyelids be removed without surgery?

Drooping eyelids are best removed without surgery when a clear cause can be found. In the case of hormonal disorders, for example, drug therapy can be used to restore the hormone balance. This includes, for example, the treatment of thyroid gland dysfunction.

Once the hormonal cause has been eliminated, the drooping eyelids usually recede at least to a certain extent. Even sagging eyelids as a result of excessive substance consumption can be improved by abstinence. If the eyelid changes are caused by lack of sleep and/or excessive stress, relaxation procedures and proper sleep hygiene can improve the symptoms.

In addition, age-related drooping eyelids can also be treated to a certain extent without surgery. Various household remedies and moisturizers are used to strengthen the skin and the underlying connective tissue. Another therapy option, which is not permanent, is the use of eyelid tapes. These can lift the drooping eyelids and thus enlarge the field of vision again.