Slipped disc and birth | Slipped disc during pregnancy

Slipped disc and birth

During childbirth the body of a woman is stressed to the utmost. The spine is also subjected to immense strain, especially during the pressing contractions (contractions that push the baby out through the birth canal). Due to the pressure exerted on the spinal column by the child and the additional strain caused by the pressing of the expectant mother, there is a possibility that nerves in the area of the herniated disc, which were not previously affected, may suddenly become constricted, resulting in symptoms that did not exist before the birth.

Pregnant women who suffer from a herniated disc are therefore often advised to have a caesarean section (Sectio). Nevertheless, some women with a herniated disc in pregnancy decide to have a natural birth, as there is always the possibility of giving birth by caesarean section if the health of the mother or child deteriorates during the birth process. In contrast to a caesarean section, a spontaneous birth leads to a better mother-child bond, as the child can be placed directly on the mother’s breast after birth (bonding).


In the foreground of the diagnosis of a herniated disc in pregnancy is the collection of the medical history (anamnesis) and a neurological examination. Based on the areas that show sensitivity disorders, a neurologist can estimate which nerve root is constricted by the herniated disc. Furthermore, the examination of reflexes in the extremities provides information about the functionality of the nerves that supply the muscles.

Subsequently, an MRI is performed despite an existing pregnancy to complete the diagnosis with an imaging procedure. If the situation is assessed as uncritical for permanent neurological damage, the MRI can also be performed after termination. In many cases, however, the MRI must be performed while the pregnancy is still in progress. Imaging examinations such as X-rays or computed tomography are avoided as far as possible due to the radiation exposure for the unborn child. – MRI during pregnancy

  • MRI for a slipped disc

Employment ban

According to the law, in order to be prohibited from working during pregnancy, the health of the mother or child must be endangered by the type of employment. The pregnant woman then requires a medical certificate for presentation to the employer. Slipped discs during pregnancy make a ban on employment necessary if the slipped disc is accompanied by urinary or fecal incontinence, i.e. requires immediate surgery. In contrast, herniated disks that cause severe pain but do not pose an acute threat to the health of mother and child, but make it impossible to carry out the activity in question properly, require a sick note from the doctor in charge.