Slipped disc | Nervous System

Slipped disc

A herniated disc causes the gelatinous mass of the disc to leak out. This gelatinous mass can protrude into the spinal canal and press the spinal cord. If the pressure becomes too great, pain, sensory disturbances, paralysis and complete loss of function can result.


Whiplash injuries of the cervical spine and the surrounding musculature are often caused by sudden and unexpected violent impacts on the head. Through “whiplashing the head” the cervical muscles try to intercept the head, but are overstrained with the forces due to the violent impact.

Nervous system and movement coordination

The athletic movement can only be realized through the interaction of the nervous system and muscles. Information is transmitted from higher centers of the CNS to the motor cortex, from where it is transferred to the muscles via motor end plates. Movement coordination as a sub-area of the science of movement is used more and more often in addition to motor learning in training practice to improve sporting performance.

How to calm the nervous system?

The nervous system can be calmed by influencing the body’s own messenger substances (transmitters). For example, endorphins (synonym: endogenous morphine) have a calming effect. They are often released in increased quantities during relaxation exercises, such as progressive muscle relaxation according to Jacobson or as in autogenic training or during calming movements and activities – which can vary greatly from one individual to another.

Meditation techniques, meditative breathing exercises and ideas (imaginations) of pleasant situations can also be helpful. Melatonin, which is also a messenger substance produced naturally by the body and has a calming effect, especially when it comes to falling asleep. Its release is usually intensified by darkness or the imagination of darkness.

Relaxation exercises, pleasant, calming thoughts or the vegetative nervous system can have a calming effect on nerve-strengthening nutrition, which contains certain vitamins and ingredients. Drug treatments also often intervene in the “messenger system” (transmitter system) and can produce calming effects. However, since this is always a kind of intervention in the body system, side effects cannot be ruled out in the short or long term.