Small cell bronchial carcinoma | Lung cancer therapy

Small cell bronchial carcinoma

In contrast, chemotherapy is the main treatment for small cell lung cancer. On the one hand, the extremely fast-growing cells of this type of tumor react more sensitively to therapies that specifically inhibit growth, such as radiotherapy or chemotherapy, i.e. the response rates are higher than in non-small-cell lung cancer. On the other hand, metastasis has usually already occurred at the time of diagnosis, which is why a therapy must be chosen that reaches all cells of the body.

The cure rates of a combination chemotherapy (several drugs, in this case called cytostatics, are used) are 60 % – 90 % for the “limited disease” (but only 35 % of diagnoses) and 30 % – 80 % for the “extendend disease” (65 % of diagnoses). In addition to chemotherapy, the brain is usually irradiated to prevent the tumor from expanding (prophylactic cranial irradiation). Metastases are often the first to be found in the brain.

In rare cases, surgery followed by chemotherapy can be performed in the case of a small cell bronchial carcinoma in the “limited disease” stage. Local radiation therapy can be used to alleviate symptoms caused by metastases of the tumor in other parts of the body such as the brain or bones, especially the spine. In order to find better therapies for cancer patients, there are clinical studies whose treatments are based on the latest research findings. Before starting therapy, the treating physician can determine whether it is possible to participate in one of the ongoing studies, if the patient so desires.


The prognosis for bronchial carcinoma is poor. Only about 1/3 of patients with non-small cell lung cancer are operable. After surgery, 40-60% of patients live longer than five years, without surgery only 20-30%.In small cell lung cancer, the median survival time without therapy is 4-5 months, after chemotherapy 8-12 months (extensive disease) or 12-16 months (limited disease).

If curative therapy is no longer possible, palliative therapy of lung cancer can be considered. The main aim of palliative therapy is to improve the quality of life and alleviate the symptoms.