SMAS lift | Facelift Procedures, Costs and Risks

SMAS lift

This method of facelifting is performed mainly in mid-height areas of the face, especially on the cheeks and the lateral part of the jaw. Before the actual skin tightening, the surgeon makes an incision just before the auricle and extends it to behind the hairline and to the area of the temples. In contrast to the SMAS lift, this variant of facelift only tightens the skin, not the muscles underneath the skin tissue.

The surgeon then removes excess skin flaps and/or tissue and closes the tissue with a skin suture. In most cases, no visible scars are left behind. During the mini-lift, additional corrections can be made to the eyelids (eyelid lift) and/or forehead (forehead lift).

In most cases the facelift is performed under local anesthesia, but can also be performed under general anesthesia if desired. The average duration of the operation is about one to two hours. In principle, an inpatient admission of at least one day after the operation is recommended, but the mini-lift can also be carried out on an outpatient basis under certain circumstances. The advantage of this method is the comparatively gentle handling of the tissue during the operation, but in specialist circles the mini-lift is considered to be a less effective type of facelift. The result is usually not long-lasting.

Liquid Lift

The so-called liquid lift represents an alternative to surgical facelifting and is performed without incisions. This procedure is particularly suitable for patients with low skin elasticity deficits, volume loss and slight wrinkles. During the application, a filling material is inserted between the skin areas to be treated and the underlying tissue with the help of a thin injection needle.

The wrinkles are thus merely padded and filled with artificial volume. In addition, the production of the body’s own collagen is stimulated and the appearance of the skin is further improved. On average, the treatment takes between 10 and 20 minutes per session. The number of necessary sessions depends on the initial condition and the desired result of the respective patient. The durability of the treatment result varies from patient to patient, but is positively influenced by the stimulation of collagen production.