

Snuff is available, for example, in kiosks, tobacco stores and web stores in numerous varieties. It is usually contained in small metal tins.

Structure and properties

Snuff is made of powdered and fermented tobacco. It has a brown color and an aromatic smell. Tobacco is obtained from the dried leaves of the tobacco plant (, ) from the nightshade family, native to South America. It also contains additives and flavorings such as menthol, peppermint oil, spices, herbs and sugar. Which substances are permitted is regulated by the Tobacco Ordinance. The active ingredient is the alkaloid nicotine. The addition of bases can improve absorption into the bloodstream, because nicotine is thereby deprotonated and crosses membranes better as a free base.


Nicotine has psychoactive, stimulant, activating, relaxing, and anti-anxiety properties. It promotes alertness and concentration. Snorting may cause mild dizziness and lightheadedness. Nicotine’s effects are due in part to its binding to nicotinic acetylcholine receptors and increased release of neurotransmitters such as dopamine and serotonin in the central nervous system. Nicotine is rapidly absorbed from tobacco into the bloodstream via the nasal blood vessels, from where it enters the brain. Sufficient plasma concentrations comparable to smoking are also achieved with nasal administration (Russell et al., 1981).

Indications for use

As a stimulant. Snuff is not recommended for smoking cessation. Various medicines containing nicotine are available for this purpose.


A pinch of the powder is placed on the back of the hand and slowly drawn into a nostril. Nasal administration often triggers a sneeze. Snorting is often done in a group and associated with rituals and sayings.

Adverse effects

Snuffing is less harmful than tobacco smoking because it does not produce carbon monoxide or carcinogenic combustion products when consumed. However, tobacco itself contains carcinogens such as nitrosamines, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, nitrites, and heavy metals. The level of exposure depends on the product. Whether snuff can actually cause cancer is controversially discussed in the literature. Regular use can damage the nasal mucosa and lead to complaints such as a blocked nose, secretions, inflammation (chronic rhinitis), edema, and mucosal changes (e.g., Sreedharan et al., 2005). Snuff can be dependent and addictive because of the nicotine it contains. Nicotine itself can also cause various side effects, see under Nicotine. According to the Tobacco Ordinance, every package of nonsmoking tobacco products must carry the following warning: “This tobacco product may harm your health and is addictive.”